The Way a Child Grows out of His Shoes

God said:

Youth and age are not so significant as you may think. Some youth are wise, and some aged ones lack wisdom. Nothing matters so much as you probably think it does.

Affairs of the world are only affairs of the world. They are stories playing themselves out.

Someone knows more than you about something. Someone else knows less than you about something. It is like this: All are on an equal footing.

Often you put your life on trial. Often it turns out a mistrial. In your eyes, it is a mistrial. In My eyes, it may be something else altogether. No maybe about it. You can be sure I see from a different perspective, which isn't to say, that you don't get any of it right. It's just that you are on a learning curve, beloveds. You are not always aware of what you learn. You may think it is something else altogether that you learn. You may think you have learned to not go that way again when it is possible that you are learning to go that way again with new energy and vision.

You may see parts and not the whole. Anyway, it doesn't matter, you don't have to see all there is to see. It's okay for you to see as you do see. It is your eyes you have to see through. You can't see through anyone else's until your eyes adjust to new light.

Soon enough you will see from a greater vantage, and soon enough you will see as I do see. The change will not be abrupt. It will be a gradual transition. It is not that one day you will say: "Wow, I am seeing in a whole new way! Wow, I am seeing as God does see. Wowee!"

It will be more like the gradual way that a child grows out of his shoes, and you present him with new ones. The child may not have known his shoes were getting too small for him. You gave him new ones before he would know that the old shoes didn't fit his feet right anymore.

The changes in your perception, beloveds, most likely will not be dramatic. The changes may even be unnoticeable. Great drama belongs on the stage and in books. You have had enough drama.

Regardless of drama or not, there is no way that you can stay the same. Noticed or unnoticed, you are growing and changing right and left.

Sometimes I am thunderstruck with your progress! Not really thunderstruck, beloveds. It's just that I use the word to emphasize that you are making progress, and how happy I am to see all your progress which is no surprise to Me at all.

Will you believe Me when I tell you that you are My dream coming true?

It is you, whoever may be reading this, that is My dream becoming true. And it is you, who may not be reading this, you, too, are My dream becoming true.

You realize, of course, that on Earth you are always becoming. You are moving up, as it were. You are always in process. You always progress.

As wonderful and as good as you are today, tomorrow you will be greater yet.

I know that there is a part of you that wants to be done growing. You want to have arrived. Well, there is that too, and yet you are in process. If you are an elastic band, you still have more stretching to go. That is not a bad thing, beloveds, that you have more room to fit into your shoes. Is it not a good thing that you have room to grow and are growing, growing, growing?

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Your Dream is my Dream becoming True.

Dear God,
at the beginning of times, You dreamt that part of your Light Beings would freely accept to experience the apparent loss of your Light and Love in a physical dimension of separateness and duality. This experience of apparent loss aimed at feeling deeply the preciousness of your Presence through the process of recovery and growth. This could serve as a source of inspiration for many other Universes: Angels becoming Humans then Human Angels.

Yes, there was, for eons, a long process of recovery and growth. Along that process, from time to time, I developed a rebellion thinking that you had abandoned me while I had chosen to be Your Dream Coming True. Sometimes I would have felt to keep my old shoes even if they were becoming too tight for me. But I kept pushing myself to jump periodically into a new pair of shoes more fitted to take me where I had to go. I could and always can choose to be a separate Self or keep on aiming at You as Being my Dream coming True.

And I am not dreaming of spectacular jumps in growth because big jumps make you loose something of the process of growing in awareness. How could it be otherwise since I am the everchanging SAME?

And I'm walking in my shoes towards and backwards to where I really come from and never really left. Newness in Eternal Sameness.

the Dead Sea.

I am growing, growing,growing toward that place where I have no expectations at all. It is supposed to be a very high place... where you feel very low.

Heavenletter # 3240- چگونه کودک رشد می کند

جوانی و سن و سال آنقدر که شما فکر می کنید مهم نیستند. بعضی جوانان عاقل هستند، و برخی افراد سالخورده فاقد قوه تعقل. هیچ کدام از اینها آن گونه که شما فکر می کنید مهم نیستند.

مسایل دنیوی فقط مسایل دنیوی هستند. آنها دیگر مفید و سودمند نیستند.

کسی در مورد موضوعی بیشتر از شما می داند. کس دیگری کمتر از شما می داند. شبیه این است که: همه در موقعیت یکسانی قرار دارند.

اغلب زندگی تا ن را مورد آزمایش و امتحان قرار می دهید. گاه این آزمایش بی نتیجه است. به نظر شما این یک امتحان بی نتیجه است. به نظر من ممکن است به کل چیز دیگری باشد، شاید هم مرتبط. مطمئن باشید که من نگاه متفاوتی دارم. اما معنی آن این نیست که برای شما غیر قابل درک است. عزیزان، مفهوم آن این است که شما درچرخه یادگیری هستید. همیشه آگاه نیستید از اینکه چه می آموزید. شاید فکر کنید به کل چیز دیگری می آموزید. ممکن است فکر کنید که آموخته اید از مسیری که قبلا آن را طی کرده اید دوباره عبور نکنید، در حالی که شاید، در حال آموختن این موضوع باشید که، دوباره همان مسیر را انتخاب کنید اما با بصیرت و نیرویی نو.

ممکن است جزییات را ببینید اما کلیت را نبینید. به هر حال مهم نیست، مجبور نیستید همه آنچه را که قابل رویت است ببینید. هما ن طور که می بینید برایتان خوب است. باید با چشم خودتان ببینید. نمی توانید از چشم دیگران نگاه کنید تا زمانی که چشمتان به نور ناآشنا عادت کند.

بزودی از دیدگاه برتری خواهید دید و بزودی همانند من خواهید دید. این تغییرات ناگهانی نخواهد بود. بلکه یک تحول تدریجی خواهد بود. این گونه نیست که یک روز بگوید: وای، من به شیوه ای کاملا جدید می بینم. وای، من همانند خدا می بینم. وای!

بیشتر شبیه آن است که کودکی رشد می کند، کفشهایش کوچکتر از اندازه پایش می شود و شما کفشهای تازه ای برای او تهیه می کنید. احتمالا کودک متوجه این موضوع نمی شود که کفشهایش کوچک می شود. شما قبل از اینکه او بداند دیگر کفشهایش اندازه پایش نیست کفشهای جدید به او می دهید.

عزیزان، محتملا تغییرات در قوه ادراکتان چشمگیر نخواهد بود. حتی ممکن است قابل توجه هم نباشند. اتفاقات ناگهانی و ماجراهای پر هیجان در روی صحنه تئاتر و کتابها اتفاق می افتد. شما به اندازه کافی از این اتفاقات در زندگیتان داشته اید.

صرف نظر از اینکه زندگی پر هیجانی داشته اید یا نه، هیچ راهی وجود ندارد که شما بتوانید در وضعیت ثابتی بمانید. چه به این موضوع توجه کرده باشید، چه نکرده باشید شما در حال رشد و پیش رفت هستید و به چپ و راست تغییر مسیر می دهید.

گاه از پیش رفت شما بهت زده می شوم. نه اینکه واقعا بهت زده شوم، عزیزان. از این کلمات استفاده می کنم برای تاکید اینکه شما پیش رفت می کنید و اینکه من چقدر خوشحال می شوم از دیدن این همه پیش رفت شما، چیزی که هیچ وقت باعث شگفتی من نمی شود.

آیا باور خواهید کرد اگر بگویم که شما رویای تحقق یافته من هستید؟

شما، کسی که این را می خوانید، شما باعث تحقق رویای من شده اید. و شما، کسی که این را نمی خوانید، حتی شما هم باعث تحقق رویای من شده اید.

البته درک می کنید که در روی زمین همیشه در حال تغییر و تحول هستید. همیشه در حال ارتقا و بالا رفتن هستید. همیشه در این روند رو به بالا هستید. همیشه در حال پیش رفت هستید.

هر چقدر که امروز خوب و فوق العاده بوده اید، فردا حتما خیلی بیشتر از آن خواهید بود.

می دانم که بخشی از وجود شما می خواهد کاملا رشد یافته باشد. می خواهید در مقصد باشید. اما با این حال شما در روندی صعودی قرار دارید. اگر مانند یک کش پلاستیکی هستید، پس هنوز فضا برای کشش بیشتر وجود دارد. عزیزان، این اصلا چیز بدی نیست اگر که کفش بزرگی به پا دارید. آیا این چیز خوبی نیست که فضا برای رشد دارید و رشد می کنید، رشد می کنید و رشد می کنید؟

Dear Oldooz, I love so much

Dear Oldooz,

I love so much your Farsi.
It's incredible, I don't understand anything, but it whispers to me about far things, sweet things from long time ago, like a plume that waves in front of me. Thankyou dear


Dear Pitta

Thank you too, dear Pitta.

Wauw !

Wauw !

That looks totally different from what we are used to. Of course the content is the same in every language, but this Farsi is like Chinese : such languages look more like a piece of art to me, when they are written down.


Youth and age are not so

Youth and age are not so significant as you may think

Oh God, what beautiful words these are for me!
Now, when people (and my sons) tell me I'm too aged to do something, I could answer that God thinks the same than me! It's a great benefit, isn't it?

Good day to all


My heart leaps...

Dear Holy Father, my heart leaps at your words presented here today. I have felt for some time a subtle, but ever present feeling unfolding or a revealing process...I have used the words, uneasiness or longing. I must be patient and KNOW that IT IS ALL HAPPENING just the way you planned. I live and work and have my being in THEE.
Dear Gloria, God Bless You for your DEVOTION AND DEDICATION to HIS WILL.



We are, and I am delighted to read, to know that YOU are "thunderstruck" at our / my progress
- although you quickly amend that - to say that, of course, YOU are not surprised at all at our
leaps and bounds of growing and maturing! I know you must also get a kick out of our wanting
to be DONE GROWING - and to be quite over the drama of it all. AS YOU SAY, DRAMA

I love to realize this morning that there is that stretchable elastic within us and so we are
pleased to know we have some more stretching to do. Even more room for growing in SPIRIT!


YES! YES! YES! Growing , Developing , Finding the Magic of ONENESS!!!!!

Thank You , for affirming ONENESS !

With joy , luv n Gratitude !

Barefoot and Loving Life

Dear God,
Today's HL reminded me of one of my favorite HLs. So today I want to thank You that I get to live an "authentic" (the best word I know to describe it) lifestyle where my mind gets to go barefoot along with my heart all day everyday. These days I do not have to change my shoes for anyone I deal with. If I ever do put on shoes for anybody, it'll be flip-flops ONLY, and only until we get to know each other better...LOL!!

"Let not your mind be like shoes you are delighted to take off at night. When shoes fit you well, they don't hurt and you can wear them a long time without much thought about them. When your thoughts fit you well, they too will not hurt. They will not be burdens. Wear comfortable thoughts to begin with.
Have a clear mind, beloveds. Make room for new thoughts. Make room to grow."

YES! Growing always,

YES! Growing always, forever without ever shrinking, what else is there to do?

Be Love

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said it is you
You are My dream coming true
And becoming true

Love, Light and Aloha!


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