The Three Little Pigs
Are you perhaps waiting for Me to lift you? Indeed, I will lift you. I will move you to new heights. You may be looking for a sign from Me. Beloveds, I am looking for a sign from you!
It is not that I am waiting for you to pray to Me. I am looking not for words, not for longing, not for supplication. You may be looking for Me to provide for you. I am looking for you to take steps.
You live in a world of action, and there is action for you to take, even if a tiny step.
Certainly, I can send you manna from Heaven. The thing is I do. I have a feast prepared for you, yet it is for you to come to My dining-room.
The three little pigs set out to find their fortune. I am asking you to set out. It is not on My behalf that I ask this of you. It is on your behalf that I ask. At the same time, it is My happiness that you eat at My table.
Do not play a waiting game. If you want to dance, you don't have to ask Me for help. You just get up and dance. Children, it's unlikely that I will grab you under your arms and pull you out to the dance floor.
If you want a car, it's a good idea to look at cars. Even if you are not immediately ready to buy a car, it is still good for you to look at cars. That is a step.
And if you are looking for a good husband or wife, it is better that you don't leave it all to Me.
Of course, I could have the right person come right up to your door and knock. This has happened. I can do anything, yet it's not certain that I will serve you your mate on a tray.
I can be relied on. I am the One you can rely on. Yet I am relying on you to take steps.
If you were hungry, you would not stay in your house waiting for food to be delivered to you. It could well happen that someone would drop by with a meal for you. It is possible, but do you think I would advise you to sit and wait for a meal to arrive? It is better that you get up and go the store, or perhaps there is a garden in your back yard and you pull up a carrot.
When you have dreams and desires that mean something to you, it's a good idea to get up and meet them at least half way.
It's true that a fortune in gold could descend on you from Heaven, and yet you increase the odds of finding gold by getting up and mining for it. You do not want to sit and wait for a handout from Me.
You might say, "Dear God, what if I dig and dig and don't find gold? God, maybe I already have been digging for gold and not finding it. To what avail shall I keep trying?"
There are many answers to this. Maybe tomorrow, you will find a vein of gold. Maybe you won't. Or maybe you will the next day. Or maybe you have been trying too hard. Maybe you held on so tight that you have kept the gold mine away. Or maybe your desire for wealth is short-changing yourself. Or maybe you desire for the wrong reasons.
You may say, "God, someone else desires gold, and it is greed that motivates him, and still he gets what he wants. Someone else may desire gold for the wrong reasons, and he gets it. Why not me?"
Of course, it is better if you do not compare lives.
It could even be the best thing in the world for you that you don't find a treasure of gold. Perhaps there is something else for you to find.
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