The Three Little Pigs

God said:

Are you perhaps waiting for Me to lift you? Indeed, I will lift you. I will move you to new heights. You may be looking for a sign from Me. Beloveds, I am looking for a sign from you!

It is not that I am waiting for you to pray to Me. I am looking not for words, not for longing, not for supplication. You may be looking for Me to provide for you. I am looking for you to take steps.

You live in a world of action, and there is action for you to take, even if a tiny step.

Certainly, I can send you manna from Heaven. The thing is I do. I have a feast prepared for you, yet it is for you to come to My dining-room.

The three little pigs set out to find their fortune. I am asking you to set out. It is not on My behalf that I ask this of you. It is on your behalf that I ask. At the same time, it is My happiness that you eat at My table.

Do not play a waiting game. If you want to dance, you don't have to ask Me for help. You just get up and dance. Children, it's unlikely that I will grab you under your arms and pull you out to the dance floor.

If you want a car, it's a good idea to look at cars. Even if you are not immediately ready to buy a car, it is still good for you to look at cars. That is a step.

And if you are looking for a good husband or wife, it is better that you don't leave it all to Me.

Of course, I could have the right person come right up to your door and knock. This has happened. I can do anything, yet it's not certain that I will serve you your mate on a tray.

I can be relied on. I am the One you can rely on. Yet I am relying on you to take steps.

If you were hungry, you would not stay in your house waiting for food to be delivered to you. It could well happen that someone would drop by with a meal for you. It is possible, but do you think I would advise you to sit and wait for a meal to arrive? It is better that you get up and go the store, or perhaps there is a garden in your back yard and you pull up a carrot.

When you have dreams and desires that mean something to you, it's a good idea to get up and meet them at least half way.

It's true that a fortune in gold could descend on you from Heaven, and yet you increase the odds of finding gold by getting up and mining for it. You do not want to sit and wait for a handout from Me.

You might say, "Dear God, what if I dig and dig and don't find gold? God, maybe I already have been digging for gold and not finding it. To what avail shall I keep trying?"

There are many answers to this. Maybe tomorrow, you will find a vein of gold. Maybe you won't. Or maybe you will the next day. Or maybe you have been trying too hard. Maybe you held on so tight that you have kept the gold mine away. Or maybe your desire for wealth is short-changing yourself. Or maybe you desire for the wrong reasons.

You may say, "God, someone else desires gold, and it is greed that motivates him, and still he gets what he wants. Someone else may desire gold for the wrong reasons, and he gets it. Why not me?"

Of course, it is better if you do not compare lives.

It could even be the best thing in the world for you that you don't find a treasure of gold. Perhaps there is something else for you to find.

Read Comments

"something else"

I was drowning in a sea of "perhaps" and "maybe", You picked me up with the last line.

I'm so happy


...even if a tiny step
Really I belived to have done great steps. Ahaha.

Like always the middle way, this so difficult to find, the right point at the middle. Please, no more words about our heart, please. Now I know what I really want (a part a big tresure of gold): freedom for everyone to say what there is in one's own head or heart and eveyone could be silent on the right or wrong (that is one's own idea, of course) about what another thinks. Wow, really wonderful it will be.
Acceptance, is it that?

it is better if you do not compare lives

I was probably thinking along similar lines as Emilia. Dear God, could you please say something that does not slip trough my fingers the next moment? Can I go ogling cars now or is it better for my soul if I refrain from it?

But if I were to give expert advice to some 6.8 billion people or even just a few thousand, what would I say? They all have different mind sets, different desires, different needs, and the fact that God sounds so vague sometimes seems to indicate there is no clear-cut better or worse here. Everyone is meant to be the way they are and where they are, so how are you going to say something relevant for everyone when one legitimately wants a car, the next one a mate, the next one less tootache and the next one something unnameable?

Thank God God is perfectly able to speak for everyone, regardless of what it is we want. For whatever it is, it is on God's table, we "only" have to go there: I am asking you to set out.

Reminds me of another Heavenletter I love very much and never forget. It seems to be telling us what this setting out is really about:

This is the moment of moments. This is the moment you have been waiting for. Open your heart so you collect all the good I have stored for you in a cabinet of My heart. I have held it in safe-keeping for you. I know what is missing, even if you don’t.

An automatic account has been set up for you. Open your heart like a floodgate, and you will have all of the treasure that has been waiting for you. To whatever degree your heart opens will your treasure fill it up.

God's table

Untill we will be seated at God's table, where only souls can sit, our desires will be fulfilled in the measure our ego's dreams meet our soul's dreams. And who knows when and why and how.
So it is better, at least for me, to ask just for this "automatic account" and nothing more specific...well, yes, please, no Banks involved.

Alwas spotting the funny

Alwas spotting the funny side of things.

And I see you have started simplifying your life. But what could besimpler than "Open your heart like a floodgate" as the one technique there is? Open you heart and don't worry about anything, not even about who may sit where and whose dreams your dreams are or what types of dreams are the right ones. One of my biggest dreams is to stop lecturing myself about which dreams are appropriate and which are ego... childisch... immature... selfish... unrealistic... materialistic
Sometimes you remind Me of the child who wants a big piece of cake but reservedly, politely, accepts only a small one. From some sense of what do My children do that? Whom is the universe for if not for you? Why was it created? What was it meant to do?

You are not an interloper on earth. You are a named visitor. You were expected. You are an honored guest. You came at My behest. You came willingly. Do not balk now.

There is a huge buffet table of life. You walk around the table, and the table revolves and offers you its many delights. So much to choose from. Taste all.

Do not be a withholder of life. Do not hold your hand back. Reach out, palm up or palm down, it doesn't matter. The form doesn't matter. The reaching out does. Reach out to the universe that houses you.

Less is more

One Thing, one way: "open your heart like a floodgate" and let your ego disappear in the flood.
You will find Yourself seated at God's table where all the most delicious food is already layed.

I love this phrase

Emilia, I love the phrase you wrote: "...our desires will be fulfilled in the measure our ego's dreams meet our soul's dreams." It says so much in just a few words. So memorable! Thanks. This is a great letter and a great dialogue.

abundance issue ?

Hi Emilia and Jochen,

Were you bouncing into an abundance issue with yourself on this HL, or do I read you wrongly here ?
For If you were, I have been there, that is to say : have really been without abundance, and have abundance now.

The only difference was and is me and my beliefsystems, changing them and hold on to that until abundance started flowing through my life

Always willing to share my experiences on this one.

Thank you Anco, this is most

Thank you Anco, this is most interesting.
Though abundance has never been my problem, regardless of its being or not.

ok Emilia

Ok Emilia,

You are right, abundance never should be a problem.
And having it or not having it, digging up something better is always attractive !

Big chronic problem. But

Big chronic problem. But planning to bounce off it, not into it, on this HL and many others.

2 ways, as I see it Jochen

There are two ways to deal with it, as I see it, Jochen:

Embrace lack of abundance, that is accept your own responsibility for having created it and then say:

- ok, I have been here long enough and now I embrace abundance and I create that in my life,
- ok, I accept lack of abundance as my own responsibility and I am from now on ok with that

As TAO says, all roads lead to one and the same destination

Just don't stay in between, it is not nice !

Oh, dear Anco, you are

Oh, dear Anco, you are right, of course. But there was be something else. I have done what you told, but nothing has changed. I kow there is something else, just a little thing that makes the difference. Something that obviously you have done, perhaps without recognize it. The missed dowel. This dowel is always the same. I begin to belive is the inside unification. But it would be possible there is something different for everyone.

my experience with it

Dear Pitta,

Allthough I cannot do it for you, I will post here my own experiences with it, and I hope it helps you.

I wish to share with you some things that helped me to go from experiencing scarcity of money to experiencing relative money abundance.

For me it had everything to do with changing my thoughts about it,
What I learned from it, was for instance this :

- you are responsible for your experiences, be it scarcity or abundance, it is you who creates this. It maybe hard at first, but accept that.
- energy follows your thoughts and feelings and eventually can manifest them. Trust that.
- you are able to observe your thoughts and you can change them. Start doing that.

I started to observe my thoughts and feelings about money, and I started to make changes. That sounds easy to do, but it went like this : Thoughts of scarcity were most common in my mind and so were the negative feelings associated with it. So it starts with hard work. Every time you observe a negative thought about money within yourself, you say : " Cancel this, it needs not manifest". And don't blame yourself when you do not succeed in observing a negative thought sometimes and change it, just promise yourself to hold on and to succeed next time and you will !

The most important thing I learned in this process : when you start changing your thoughts and feeling from negative to positive, it will take time for the positive to manifest in your life. I felt frustrated by that immensely. The thing that turned me around ? Well, when I read somewhere that apparently this creating of your own experiences works so perfectly well, that you also create these negative experiences. And as you have been creating your experiences for such a long time on the base of negative thoughts, you should not be surprised and discouraged that it takes some time to overcome this. You should conclude : "Hey, apparently, this works !" But now I have created enough of the negative, I'm gonna create positive"!

AND.......if you hold on to observing your thougts, if you hold on to this substituting of negative thoughts by positive thoughts, if you aks for help in this and still stay responsible for it yourself, you are able to make this turn around from scarcity to relative abundance.

How do I know this ? I experienced it myself and there is no better way then that to know this.

If you start out on this, I wish you Heavenly blessings and success !

Dearest, how exiting read

Dearest, how exiting read your experience! Now I tell you what I have learnt. The first thing I do every morning I wake up is to say: What a fortunate woman I am! this from the new discoveries of nuclear phisics. If every atom of water can change in basis at the thoughts you put on it, I tink also my way can change in basis the thoughts I put on it. Do you think is right?
Really if I think "I am so fortunate!" I feel my heart in a way; if I think "I have so many difficults" I feel my heart in another way, more heavy. This is the first change I have done.
Well, here is the second: I have thought a lot about it, but I belive money is not abundance. Abundance is a style of life, it is a new way to see life. Certanly money is what permits to you to reach abundance, but it is not the same.
So if you want really a great abundance you have to focusing on abundance and its many wonderful things; money will arrive to you by the way.
To me the diffiuclt is not focusing on positive, but to change my sub-consciousness thoughts that "Money is not good for God". But I could think I am gonna to arrive at that freedom.
I will think a lot about your words, thankyou so much! Sharing is the most beautiful thing in the world.

right you are, Pitta!

I agree on what you say about doing in the morning, I recognize this! If I wake up and think positive about the starting day, it turns out as a good day.

Money is not abundance, but in my opinion abundance includes money. However abundance is many more and other things that are even more worthwhile.

You are so right that in the subconscious one should try and change thoughts like "Money is not good for God." It takes time, but can be done.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts with me, Pitta, and find your own freedom in this !



I, well, we all love reading your Heavenly Letter to us today. Maybe we desire, AS YOU SAY, gold for the wrong reasons. For Love is surely the GOLD that our hearts actually
adore and can't get enough of.

THE MIND. Our Hearts truly know more than our minds. Our minds need to listen to
our hearts. The mind, most of the time, doesn't have the humility to listen to the heart's desires.



Gloria and three little pigs tells us how.

"Seek and ye shall find, knock and it'll be opened, ask and it'll be answered."

No seeking, no finding, no knocking, no opening, no asking, no answers. Heavenletters show us how to do all these things but the main thing is; it makes us want to do them to receive what the Father as given us. Thank you Sweet One!


i am completley

daer heavenley father,
thank of your masseges, am read and read your letter
to understand you,r words, am also glad to find my gold
and gold it you, and i am feel realey complete my self
to you and i fell like i have medalia and i feel like i am
a winer of my life, i am not sekker enymore,
because i am fell completley to you,,
love and peace,

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said want to dance
Then it is good to take steps
Out on the dance floor

Love, Light and Aloha!


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