The Past Has No Future

God said:

To let go of the past is letting go of what you perceived as error. It is error you wish to erase, and it is a fact that My children on Earth have been good at finding error and examining it backwards and forwards. You would undo error if you could. You would have yourself be perfect without any error. Even so, if you could rewrite your script, you don’t know what the undoing of one thing might lead to.

It is a Herculean task to undo the past even in your imagining.

The flow of life has flowed. Rain that has fallen has fallen You cannot go back and make rain fall up. It has already evaporated or been drunk by tree roots. You cannot reverse the tide. You cannot empty oceans. You cannot bring the past to life, yet how you recline in it, how you try to recast it in your mind time and time again without success. You let the past pain you. You throw darts of the past at yourself.

Your novel, once published, is published, and not a word can be changed in the printed book. The book you wrote with all your heart and soul is not the book you would write now. You were a different author then. You are a different author now. That is good enough.

You cannot erase the past. You cannot erase what you see as past error. You can erase the concept of error, however. For one thing, how do you know it was error? How do you know, imperfect as it may have been, that it wasn’t the perfect working out of the script? You do not yet know what an action in the past has led to or will lead you to. You do not have to hold it in order to gain from it. You do not have to keep a sense of inadequacy with you in order to go beyond where you had been.

The events of the past that plague you – beloveds, isn’t it possible that they are not ill and that you did read your lines correctly? Isn’t it possible that your words and actions did not cause what you have thought they caused? Beloveds, perhaps you were reading lines aloud that had to be read aloud. Perhaps the milk you spilled was supposed to spill. Maybe the road you went down was, after all, the right road. What if everything that happened was right?

If not right in your eyes, perhaps you can let it be okay and absolve yourself from pain. You relive the moment you left the hospital room to make a telephone call only to return to find your beloved had left his body. It’s possible that was the right script. Consider the possibility of forgiving yourself. Relieve yourself of guilt.

Guilt is not My desire for you. Leave it alone.

No one died because you weren’t there. No one dies alone, whether you are present or not. Regrets are something you append to life. You don’t have to. You don’t have to be in the same room with someone in order to be with them. It is you who lacks understanding. No one holds anything against you. Certainly not your beloved. Why do you then hold the past against yourself?

Nothing in the universe is wasted.

What if all the time beautiful music is playing whether you hear it or not? Because of certain tones that your ear cannot hear, you miss the beauty of the music. If your ears could pick up every note, you would know that the music being played is beautiful and that you, listening to it, are beautiful as well.

And so, in looking back at your life which you may often feel was misspent, there are notes you could not hear. There were scenes played in the background that you did not see.

What if you really did play your hand just right? What if the note you played served a good purpose in the larger scheme of things? What if all the choices you made, despite what they seem to you, were right choices? What if you were not so bad as you thought?

In any case, you know that you are no longer the person you were then. You cannot keep returning to old houses you lived in. You live in a different house now. Live in it.

Will you let go of the thrall the past keeps you in? Will you let go once and for all? Will you smile for Me now?


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