The One Constant

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Hello, dear Heavenly Father. Thank You for coming to me. I sit down, and here you are.


Always there, here. Always. I am the One Constant. There is no other. Everything else is the flight of the wind. Passing fancy. Passing thoughts. Glimpsed, but not seen. Your made-up thoughts flash for a moment on a screen, and then vanish. And you wonder what they were. What did you see? What did happen? You can't make sense of it, can you?


No, I can't. Dear God, I remind myself that whatever the fluctuations in life, nothing has changed. But I do not always or even often really feel that.


You feel splintered from the waves of life.


Sometimes I do. I am so mixed up about conscious and unconscious. Last night I kept waking up with anxiety and fear. I would wake up with an unnamed fear in my heart. It was so strong and unnamed.


Why do you want to name it? It has one name — fear. It is one illusion, not many. It is many-fingered, but one hand. It doesn't matter what you pin the fear on. You don't have to identify or justify the fear.


Is all fear really that You are not there? Or You are not there for me this time? Is that what fear is?


It has to be, because where I am known, fear cannot enter. Give Me your fear in an unmarked envelope. On the computer, when you email, it shows a little envelope disappearing. Enclose your unnamed fear in such a quick envelope and send it to Me. I take your empty envelope of fear and I crush it without a second thought. And that is what you must do, get rid of second thoughts. Have a first thought, and let that be of Me.

Make a picture of Me in your heart. You see me as robed, Gloria. What would you put on My robe? Keep in your mind and heart what you would embroider on My robe. You would not sew fears there. You would place flowers and beautiful thoughts like flowers. Consider your life like My robe on which you place added beauty. Why, fear cannot possibly stick to My robe.

Creation is My robe. I wear it. I gave it. It flows. As I walk, it flows. As I am still, it flows. I am like a vast eye of love that looks over the extent of My robe. I am tender towards every fold. I keep it in place, My robe. It is intact. It never leaves Me. It cannot be taken away. It is My awareness. I do not let you out of My sight. Wherever you are, whatever you are doing, you are in My keeping. How wide is My robe, and it is light. I know not burden. I do not know what heavy is. I know only lightness and lightful, delightful.

My creation is My delight.

My robe is My masterpiece.

My masterpiece is each of you.

I have you emblazoned on My robe.

I gather you up.

I put you around Me.

I put you in front of Me.

I look into your eyes.

I light your eyes.

I light your heart.

Keep your eyes and heart on Me.

Let Me comfort you.

Let Me show you that there is no need for comfort.

There is no fear or danger.

I know of none.

You know of many. Not one is real.

My light is real.

Your beating heart is real.

What beats your heart is real.

The physical heart is a manifestation of love that thrums throughout the universe.

Place My love on My robe.

Place your trust on My robe.

Place your thought there.

Follow My robe as I oversee My creation.

I see it is good.

But adjectives are not truly of Me.

Creation was born of My love.

It is an outpouring of My love.

Creation is Mine, My love manifested.

Occupy My creation.

Know where you are.

Know what you are in.

Know it is for Me, your place on My robe.