A Messenger from God

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, despite what I said yesterday about just sitting back and letting You Godwrite, today I am generating today's topic.

I met a wonderful human being the other day. On the surface he came to borrow legal papers from me. At first, he was just a guy. But after he was here five minutes, I knew You had sent him. For the first few minutes, he was just anybody, and then I saw he spoke to me from another level of the heart than the usual. No ego. He was himself Himself, and so all my disguises sank to nothingness, and I became also myself Myself.

He spoke from his wise heart for my benefit. He said that the minute he came to my door, he knew he had a message for me. I felt the messages were from You, dear God. It was like Christ knocked on my door and came in and gave me understanding and vision that I needed to have.

Not that I can remember most of it.

God, I know I sort of "fall in love" a lot, and often I am mistaken, but this time I know I am not.


You are not mistaken.


He talked for almost two hours — it seemed like ten minutes. And unlike how I usually am, he left and I did not feel that I must hear from him again or that anything more at all is due me. There is nothing more I have to have, nothing he has to do. Just the knowing that I was blessed with such awareness of one of Your God-beings on earth was enough to last me.

I imagine that that was how it was with Jesus on earth. One meeting with him was enough. One meeting with him would last forever. Humans were touched by something in him, and that was it. His touch upon lives could not be undone.


Your new friend's being in his truth took all your disguises away. He taught you how to be pure being, pure love, without identification of ego added on. His simpleness washed away all complexity from you. His heart spoke to your heart. From the depth of his heart, which is My heart, he spoke to you. Nothing for himself. Nothing for you really. All for Me. Not that he consciously thought that. Not at all. When all the surface melts away, what else is left but Me? Me in him and Me in you. That's what he taught you. Pure being brings out pure being.

And so you find yourself without needing more. No expectation. No demands. Nothing more has to happen. Your souls touched, and that is forever. This was a sweet meeting. This was a sweet reunion. That is how life can be on earth. Exchange of deep heartedness. This was not love in the usual sense of the word. He was love, not loving or unloving, but the truth of his heart. Nothing manufactured. Not on that level at all. Pure truth sat in your living-room and revealed itself.

All debris was swept away, swept away, not into corners, but swept out. The baggage wasn't there. All clear. A pure note. And unadulterated note. Heaven spoke to you, dear Gloria, and Heaven listened. Heaven entered itself, responded to itself, and loved itself.

Yes, you had a good experience of yourself.


There are three things I sort of remember that he said. One was hearsay. He taught me what hearsay was. When we hear something, even what is called proof, we have to pass it through our own heart and find out from our own heart (Yours) what the truth is, the truth that is behind events, for instance. God, I have bought most of everything I have heard.

The second thing I remember was about contracts. It used to be that a contract was from the heart. He would still value a handshake more than any 50 lawyer pages. He said all relationships are contracts, and that all contracts can be broken or changed at the will of one or the other. And karma is also a contract that can be broken.

He spoke about the two archangels, Michael and Lucifer. He said that there are only two choices. One is inner, one is outer. Michael represented the inner, and Lucifer the outer. Not one good and the other evil. We can create from inside, where our thoughts manifest into creation. And we can create externally, and this is what our civilization primarily does. Everything manifested by physical means. We need physical equipment to carve and move stone, for example, and perhaps ancient more inner civilizations created with an understanding of element interaction and so created far beyond what we can.


Yes. Look at My creation. What equipment was needed to form a tree or a mountain or a flower leaf? I created from the inside. Yes, there is physical manifestation but tools did not create My creation. It was the power of thought and sound and heart and awareness from whence creation came. And with these can also My children create.

You can create from the surface and you can create from depth. I bless all creation, but creation from the inside is easier and fuller and needs to be realized on earth.