Embrace of Godness

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I feel a shift in Godwriting. Now it seems I come to it with things I might want to ask but they fade away when I sit down. I think I have often been preparing for Godwriting, like I have to provide a topic. And now I feel that my topics may intrude. What I have to say isn't so important to me anymore. Godwriting is more generated from what You would like to reveal rather than from what is on my mind. It is almost like what I would ask you is an interruption. I know You welcome whatever I have to say, but it's like I don't welcome it so much anymore.


Your need is not so much to express yourself or to find an answer. Your bigger need is to just be in My presence.


Yes, to be in Your presence.


To have your awareness of My presence.




To commune with Me. That's a little different from saying what you have to say and then hearing My answer. In communing with Me, your insignificance falls away, and you become immersed in Me. Not even in My love and wisdom, but in Me. You enter My heart as I have entered yours, and you don't even care who you are or what you are or where you have been or what you have been. You only care that you are with Me, in Me, of Me, One with Me. That embrace of Godness. That embrace that removes even the possibility of separateness. That embrace of truth.

In embrace with Me, you don't care what your body looks like, or what it's health is like. All of that is no more than a speck of dust next to Me, next to Our embracedness. When you are in the inner chamber of the Sun, you don't think of snow. When you are within Moonness, you are Moon. When you are in the embrace of My heart, you are in the embrace of My heart, and what else can possibly matter but the intertwinedness of Our being? Nothing else exists except as a mere thought, as a broken wave-length, as an interruption, as an intrusion, as a disturbance, as an intermittence, as an infraction, as a minor distraction, as nothing next to the main feature.

Be in Our embrace, and all My power is yours. It becomes Ours, not tokenly, but actually, and in fullness.

Faith can move mountains.

Faith is Our embrace.

Faith is not an acknowledgement.

It is not a vote.

It is not a prayer spoken.

It is not an allegiance.

It is not a platform.

Faith is that embrace where We are One, unified in love. We are One known.

Faith is not an issue.

Oneness is.

Is-ness is.

Blend Our hearts.

Blend Our being.

Our Oneness is named Faith, but faith is not Our Oneness.

Our Oneness is supreme. Nothing can equal it. Nothing can be more. Nothing can be less. Only Oneness flourishes. Only Oneness exists. Only Our Lightedness shines. Welcome to Heaven, My wayward children.


Dear God, sometimes I have thought: Oh, I want to keep on Godwriting, and yet feel I'm not supposed to, that I should get on with my day.

This morning I feel it is You Who wanted me to continue. You wanted this written now, not tomorrow. You do not count like I do. Yesterday's Heaven was written this morning, and now today's also, but You don't think like that, do You?


I do not know how to.


How much my smallness has interrupted you.


But even smallness is a small thing. Nothing can interrupt Me. Whether you write or not isn't the big thing.

You are letting go of control. You know you don't need it. You never did. You thought you did. You thought you had to signal Me: "God, start now." Or, "God, stop now." Now you are more ready to listen and let Me set the pace.

I will release you from writing My words, but I will not release you from Me. Where could you go? What could you do? Where would you be without Me? So We shall stay together, in writing or out. Listen to Me all day. Hear Me all day. Know My message is:

"God loves you, keeps you, cares for you, and all is well. All is in God's keeping. Whatever comes to you today comes from Me for your well-being. Make it so. Everything that enters your life today is a gift from God to you. In all His wisdom and love, He sends you this today. Welcome what He gives you. Find His essence in it. And return His own love from whence it came, for all returns to its Source."

Now, go about your day with My jolly blessing.

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Karen to Heavenletters:

I especially enjoyed God's response to Judith in the October 10 Heavenletter. It was really nice. I am always teaching people this… that health comes from what you believe more than what you eat.