God Is This Moment

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I started writing a short email to a friend, and the following burst through:

"Christ is brotherly love aspect of God; Christ is love for one another, to and from. God is love as though from above. Christ is love from where you are on earth, from where you think you are.

"All this is metaphor, for God is within the human heart to start with. God is the Godness, the benevolence. Christ is the benevolence moving from one brother to another. Christ is the earth love for kindred souls on earth. God is the love overall. Mary, Mother Divine, is like the smile of God over all. Just slightly different rays of light or the angle of light or the energy, for is not love energy? God the Sun, Mother the Moon, and the son the evidencer of love on earth for one human to another. God the love that encompasses all. Christ the love that walks on earth. Mary the blessing of God's love, for is not creation the blessing of God's love?"

God, is this from You?


Yes, it is from the Christ in Me.


I always seem to need to know who something is from. In real life, too, I always want to know the name and see the face. I don't like anonymous.


You are always looking for Me. I am not anonymous; I am omni. Omni-everything.


When that unexpected writing came, I realize something in me stopped it from going on. I wasn't Godwriting at the time; I wasn't expecting it; I didn't invite it, and so I didn't keep on. I regret it now.


Yes, you controlled. You had other things on your mind to do.


Next time I will roll with it.


The moment. The moment isn't a planned thing. It cannot be, or it would not be the moment. Yes, grab the moments. Grab what they offer. Be in the moment and with the moment. Be conscious, not looking back, not looking ahead, but in the now. Not thinking of what you have to do, or thought you would do, or what you haven't done, but on now. And what is now? It is I. You want Me? You want more of Me? Have Me right now.

Your thoughts flit. Back and forth they go.

Steady your thoughts on Me. Stay with your heart, not fluctuations of mind thoughts.


In being with You, would there even be words?


Your mind pulls Me into language.


The language, written, allows me to review You.


Yes. But review is review. Have the Original at any moment. Yes, remember Me. And also have Me right now. You can review Me and have Me at the same moment. Or you can pass right by Me. I think you would like to stop and stay with Me.


Yes, and yet I race around. Run to the store. Run to the phone. Run to move the hose.


Keep Me with you. Don't rush off. Rushing and I don't seem to be compatible. That's why enjoying is so important. Joy doesn't rush. You stay a while with joy; you don't dart off from it. Why dart off from Me? Do you think I am too much for you? Do you think you cannot contain Me? You already do contain Me, Gloria. Where am I if not within My children? How can I be everywhere and not be within you?

So don't rush off from Me.

Take a look at Me.

I won't bite you.

I keep calling your attention.

And you look somewhere else.

Sit down and stay with Me.

Keep Me up front.

Keep Me in view.

Keep Me emblazoned on your heart.

Remember Me there.

Experience Me there.

Don't ignore Me.

Don't race around Me.

Be with Me.

Be Me.


Thank You, dear God. Going back to the writing this Heavenletter started with, I wonder: Are the aspects of You, are they what I look out from? I mean, You are God. But is that angle of Christ or Mary or the Wholeness — are they from You, or are they from me? Do I, Gloria, look out as Christ, or as You, or as Mary? Is it my angle of looking?


There is no difference. Looking out, looking in, no difference. What you are within, you see without.


But we all are Your holiness, but that is not what we always see.


If you have 10% eyesight, you see only so much. Let Me put it this way: You see what you think you are. You reflect in proportion to what you will give to yourself.

But do not mistake what you see. Do not make judgments of what you see. There's the catch. The same thing outside can be seen through My 100% vision or through smaller eyes. Seen with My vision, it is beautiful. What you call lowly is also beautiful. What you see as less contains within it the all.

You can see leaves falling from a tree as loss or you can see leaves falling from a tree as regeneration. You can see the gift of the leaves that fall. You can see how the leaves of the tree, fallen, nourish the tree. The tree drops its leaves and nourishes itself, warms its roots, makes a blanket of itself, cushions the earth, loves it, blesses it, as it loves its own treeness and leafiness.

My love falls on all. My love colors the universe.

Let My love through you be cast on all you see.

See through the lenses of My eyes.

Curve yourself a little to see vastness.

Open your eyes wide and encompass all My greatness.