Seek Your Own Truth

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Judith to God:

Dear God, it is my understanding from past Heavenletters that you have said that one's health, paying attention to the level of toxicity or purity of one's body and mind is purely incidental to the strength of one's connection to You.

I know that some people can obsess about their health and still remain peripheral to awareness of You, but does one's state of toxicity or physical health affect the physiology so that one can be ever more conscious of Your Presence in all Your depth and breadth? Is it our asking alone that determines what we receive in this life, despite the dysfunction or healthy functioning of the nervous system — consciousness? Being tied to our bodies, does the health of the nervous system — supported by a healthy physiology — determine the clarity of our realization of You? If not, then why do many of the ancient traditions emphasize physical health as part of a spiritual program?

I think this question was asked in a different way quite a while ago, and I apologize if I am redundant —perhaps I am not thinking very sharply in my "old age"!

Thanks for Your attention to this question.

P.S. I am realizing that I better do something about my health habits or else I will end up very sick in my older years (or before). Also, there are so many different health regimes to detoxify the blood and tissues, I don't know the best way to do this. I know You said not to worry about death. It's just that I don't want to be riddled with diseases and cause suffering to my family as well as myself. Is this in our hands, God? Or is it predetermined according to past actions? I would like some advice about this. Thanks, God.

God to Judith:

My darling daughter Judith, you are rich with questions. We could say that you are healthy with questions. Abundant with questions. Lavish with questions! You are a delver into questions and you hold them out at a distance.

Perhaps you are really asking what you, Judith, need to do to continue in good health. Is that your real question, Judith? Hidden between the words that curve across the page, is that your question? Will you, Judith, continue in good health? Does it matter what you eat and what regime you are on, what tablets you take, what treatment you undergo? Does anything make a difference? Will you stay young when your years are lengthy? Will you ever find yourself helpless and dependent upon others for care? Do you have a choice? Is all this within your control or was it mapped out long ago and you can only be an innocent traveler beset by thieves?

Your thoughts are your choice. I recommend that My children think about health. What does it mean to think about health? It means to forget about illness. Too often, My children equate health with the absence of disease. You spend thoughts and energy on wanting to avoid ill health. That is not quite the same as choosing health. Forget about illness and old age and the things that could happen that you think are terrible.

Health is radiance, is it not? And Whose light is it that radiates throughout the universe? Have Me in sickness or in health, and what have you lost?

If you lived in a less technological culture, you would live life without so much thinking about it. You would be more in the moment and more in joy. We can say that health is not your goal. Health is more a by-product of joyful living. Health is not separate from life.

One can eat "healthy" and have not yet health. One can eat healthy and be preoccupied with non-health. But health is not one thing that you can look at and define. It is not like height or weight.

In a less technological culture, only foods close from nature would be available to you. A question of eating healthy or unhealthy would not arise. In modern-day civilization, you are beset by choices.

It is not your own thoughts alone that influence you. You are bombarded with pictures and words and books about what foods to eat, for convenience and speed and economy and strong bones.

Although words represent energy and have energy, they are not the energy itself of what they represent. The energy of an advertised word also represents the heart of the speaker or writer of it.

My children have been hypnotized by commerce, dear Judith. One neon light says this food will make you healthy, and another says another food, and you are beset by thoughts that are not your own.

Seek your own thoughts, dear Judith. Seek your own truth.

I will go so far as to say that every time you see or hear or think the words that name an illness, the more you are accepting the possibility of that illness. It is harder to cast thoughts of words away than it is not to have them in the first place. Avoid reading about conditions and ailments you don't want. Look for the health you do.

Consciousness is bigger than density.

Asking alone is not the secret, dear Judith.

Being with Me is not a guarantee of what you would call super health. You are not with Me for the purpose of what you want from Me. That is not being with Me. That is playing odds.

Stop thinking that certain things are terrible. You do not know what is blessing and what is not.

Live today. Live well. Enjoy everything. Have good thoughts when you eat and have good thoughts of what you eat and love everything. Live today.

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Diane to God:

Dear God Oh! In regard to Your answer to my question yesterday, 10-9, how You make me laugh at myself! "Let Me steer the boat of life and you rest and have fun." Sounds like a vacation! I would like to sign up for that.

This is so perfect that Your response comes to me on the morning that my youngest earth child is off to first grade. I walked home from school reviewing my life as a mother of small children. Crying about the loss of this part to play. Sad that I couldn't have done this job more gracefully. But it has been such a rich experience! And I have done MY best.

When I got home I read the prayer You gave yesterday and began chanting a piece of it — "Weave me into what You create. Make me my destined part of the whole". So Weaver, So Captain, I am ready to let go of the belief that the world (and my immediate family) can't go on without my supervision. I will remind them to speak to Who is in charge, and I will rest and have fun.