Be a Wildflower

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

This morning I had an email from Bev in which she felt down, and I wonder if You would like to say something to her in Godwriting today?


I always say to Bev that she is My love, My angel, My friend on earth. She needs to let go, and she will. She will let go of former thoughts and former beliefs. She lives in several places, not quite ready to leave one for the other. But, never mind, she is knowing truth, and she knows she cannot go back to less than truth.

Oh, My children hold on so hard! To nothingness they hold on to.

My beautiful Beverly, go unto your day today as a wildflower. Be where you land. Be as you are. You are a willful wildflower. You are not a formal rose. Wildflowers are special angels of Mine who grow wherever they are in whatever circumstances. Wildflowers are not hot-house roses. Wildflowers are My sturdy flowers that require no special favors. They give their essence gladly. They are happy to be wildflowers, just as they are, come what may.

Wildflowers are true to My heart. What matters to them is that they are giving joy to Me by sprouting up wherever they are. Behold! Behold! Behold the wildflowers who grow in the field and in the crevasse between stones and the line between sidewalks, who grow in the sun and the shade, and who shake off heat and dryness and the cold and the wet, wildflowers. Untamed wildflowers, doing God's Will.

Where am I? I am with you. I grow beside and within you. Wildflower-essence, look for Me within. Don't look for me outside. See Me outside, but don't find Me outside. Go to the full jam jar, not partially-emptied ones, not ones with pretty labels. Go for the real jam. Go for the Big Jar.

Be a honey bee who seeks honey from wildflowers. Are they not three all one? I do not know how to separate the bee from the honey or the wildflower. Can you know better than I?

Return to simplicity. Return to Me, not seeking. Return to Me, not proof. Count the petals of the flower you are and do not compare to any other. All My flowers are rich with My love. Come to My heart right now, blessed Bev, and live there with Me. Follow Me. Don't pull Me with you so much. I don't have to go the way you think. But you, yes, you must come with Me right now.

We will not go far. We will go close. There is only close. There is only near. There is only Our joy fashioned into brush-strokes on the canvas of the universe. Follow My brush-strokes, dear Bev as I draw you across the horizon into the Heaven of My dreams, the Heaven that is as I drew it, not as you in fear speculate.

So, now We are One beating heart.

The wind blows your petals, but you are unruffled.

You are My strong beautiful sweet inviolate wildflower. Just be. Be in My heart and stay here with Me where I hold you close. I do not know how to separate you from Me. I cannot. I will not. Depart not you from Me. I am yours. I am yours. You are Mine. That's it. That's how it is. There is no tug. There is only Our love flowing as it flows. Hold on to Me, and naught else will cling to you. You will be free. You are free. You are free to stay with Me. Stay with Me.

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Linda M. to Heavenletters:

I especially loved Mother Mary's answer to Marianne on September 25. What a masterpiece!

Nancy L. to Heavenletters:

Sometimes I think that Heavenletters just can't get any better, and then messages like theones on October 12 and 13 come, and they are very precious. The shift you feel just being with God with no questions, just ready to receive the love and being and wisdom that need no questions to flow. And as I read the October 13 Heavenletter, I thought: How blessed Gloria is… How blessed we all are.

Thank you, Gloria, for sharing this with all of us.