Baptism of Life

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I am here at the computer with You this morning, eager to hear what You have to say.


And I, here, eager to give you what you long to hear.


Is it that what I am to listen to becomes what You say?


Ultimately, that is what it always is. You pick the topic, overtly or subtly.

This morning your need is to hear My heart. Your need is to enter My heart as a cave curved on a mountain, as a burrow, with a ledge for a patio on which you can sun yourself.

When you enter the cave of My heart, you never leave. You may go out on the patio, but a golden unwinding thread of My heart goes with you, held lightly in your hand, lengthened by your step. You carry the strings of My heart with you. You pluck them like a golden guitar. Your life plays the guitar. What notes do you pluck? What music do you unfold from My heart?

There are bells in Heaven that you ring. You, on earth, ring them in Heaven. It is a joyous chorus. You make the music of the spheres. You play chords that stir the very stars. How much do stars influence you, and you the stars? How much one are you and the stars and all beings in My creation?

You ride a bicycle on earth, and your pedaling pulls open the curtains of Heaven. You pedal, and you reveal Me to yourself. We ride a tandem bicycle, you and I, only you think you ride alone, just as you think you know what you are doing on earth and what the significance of your busy-ness is. You think you are pedaling one way, and yet your bicycle goes another. In truth, you pedal upward and your road is to Heaven. Willy-nilly it is. The truth is you race to Heaven.

And it is Heaven that calls you to it.

I wipe your brow.

I oil your bike.

I fill its tires.

I steer it. You pedal.

I provide for you on your way.

I meet you at every corner.

You go from one threshold to another.

You enter dimensions of the heart unknown before.

All you know is that you are pedaling. Perhaps now it is time to know where you are going and have your sights there.

Look up. Look up.

You spiral to Me.

You go straight, and yet you spiral.

You think you ride a straight line on earth, but you follow a curve of Heaven. The horizon gets closer. Your bicycle leaves the road and you no longer pedal on earth, but you have not noticed. You do not need the ground beneath you to pedal to Heaven. Look at the wheels go. No more chugging. Now I pull your bicycle and lift you ever Heavenward, and you come to see that it never was your own power that pedaled but Mine. What do you think My call to you is but pulling you ever closer to your awareness of Me?

But pedal you must. It is good exercise for you. Pedal, and soft winds like wings lift you ever higher into the domain of Heaven and My arms.

You are here for a while before you notice.

And what a noticing when you do.

What a celebration that is.

You celebrate the recognition of your ride to Heaven.

You find yourself at the starting line, and you laugh at the discovery. You raced to the beginning. You rode miles to discover yourself. You were pedaling in place all the time. You ran a race that doesn't exist. You raced past visions you saw, but your bicycle was stationary. Your bicycle on earth, your flight to Heaven.

You had to discover your existence in My heart.

You had to peek out to see within.

Finally you caught up to yourself.

You were the rider riding to yourself.

Now you can alight in Heaven. Park your bike, and be here. Stay. Look around. What is changed? Nothing but your perception. That is called Awakening. You have awakened to yourself. You woke yourself up to the fact that you were awake all the time that you thought you slept. You took off blinders that were never there. You walked into a pool and walked out. The baptism of life. You baptized yourself. You immersed yourself in the holy water and came up clear-visioned and whole. You stepped up to yourself and Me, and We are happy.