
Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Tina to God:

A theme runs through Heaven about the importance of nurturing ourselves, trusting our tendency toward joy, and leaving some of the responsibility for outcome and even income up to you.

I've had a fantasy about trying my hand at flower arranging. I can see beautiful arrangements in my mind's eye and instantly see them coming into form in my hands. Out of the blue, someone I know asked me to help her make dried and silk flower arrangements for a fundraiser.

I wonder if You are giving me the sort of urgings and signs that You spoke of for Caroline and her husband in the September 3 Heavenletter?

After working with my friend for only five hours, I ran to a craft store. I was intoxicated by the smells and the colors, the shapes and textures, and I ended up spending $120 on materials.

I am ecstatic just thinking about the possibility of using my mind and my hands to create beautiful arrangements filled with prayers and well-wishes for the folks who will eventually receive these gifts.

I had just read in Heavenletters about using Your name as the key to unlocking doors. I thought of a name for these floral creations: Godsends. I had never thought of You sending flower arrangements through me to comfort people or to help them declare their love. That sort of thing seemed too enjoyable to be a ministry. I certainly never considered having the nerve to call myself a "Godsend" on my business card. But, in imagining a little tag on my flower arrangements, I have no resistance to it. I felt instantly at home with the idea of someone receiving one of these arrangements, wondering where it came from, and finding "Godsends", with my name and phone number.

Dear God, is it too bold of me to use Your name this way? Is it blasphemy? What is blasphemy anyway?

Can I really keep all the stuff I just bought? I don't know where I would begin to sell such things. I don't even have a clue how I would package them etc. What in the world am I thinking? How do I dare follow such a whimsy? I felt like I went nuts on Friday, spending money on something fun and selfish that is not at all practical. I have been burning in my mind for Your reassurance.

God to Tina:

Why do My children think it is frivolous to spend money on what gives them joy? And what do My children think they are if not Godsends? Who could have sent you but Me? Let Godsend be your name. Be not an apologetic Godsend. Bow your head only to Me, not to others. Be mighty.

Godsend sounds like a great name for a business. I support it! A name that will open hearts. At the same time, dear Tina, I want to be sure you know that you do not HAVE to put Godsend on your cards. You can be a silent Godsend. You can be God anonymous. Or you do not need a card at all. All you need is Me, dear Tina.

Whenever you cancel a desire of yours, such as to create beauty, you are punishing yourself. You are saying to yourself, "No. No, Tina doesn't deserve joy. Tina should be improving herself by denying herself."

Every once in a while, be extravagant.

How much joy is there in spending for necessities? Does your heart ever expand as you pay rent or buy gas?

Be extravagant in nurturing yourself.

You don't have to spend money to do this.

Have joy in not spending money also.

Sometimes buying things is buying love.

You can satisfy something deep in you, Tina, by looking at things. You don't have to take them home with you.

You said it. You can create in your mind a picture of beauty. That picture will manifest somewhere. Maybe in someone else's hands if not yours.

I say to you, Follow your impulses.

But that does not mean the same as being impulsive. Yet, every once in a while, be impulsive too! Be impulsive in sharing. Not for purpose but for joy. That is the blessing of anonymous giving. It gives the credit to the One to Whom the credit belongs. And you slip away without being recognized. You can give silently the same way you don't have to buy something in order to have its joy.

Dear Tina, have your attention a little less on giving and a little more on being. Remember that your worthiness does not have to be proven. You do not have to earn points with Me, dear one. Nor with anyone. Giving is not an event. It is a by-product of joy. Hold yourself in such regard that you do not have to think in terms of giving. Give without knowing you are. That is the true meaning of giving anonymously.

You will find the ways to market and package Our beautiful flowers. You can manifest beautiful arrangements and you can manifest their distribution. And if you choose not to, then you have, even so, had $120.00 worth of joy in the making of beauty.

As for blasphemy, it is saying something that you later regret.

I cannot be blasphemed. What words can affect Me? But My children can blaspheme themselves by uttering what is untrue and thinking they are blasphemers.

Your name is love, nothing less, little Godsend.

Which brings Me to My love for you, My fledgling angel.