The Message Is Sent
Gloria to God:
Dear God, such dreams again! I really don't want to analyze, but I just had to write some of it down.
Getting back to Karen, how on earth would all my stuff and my mother's stuff and on to Lauren, how on earth would it have ever gone without Your help (via Karen)? I could have been in analysis for a hundred years, and would it have even been touched?
You have been wanting to dissolve the invisible chains to your daughter, really wanting to let her go, and so the means came.
Desires are fulfilled.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 329:
"I have already chosen what You will. Father, I thought I wandered from Your Will…what I am in truth is but Your Will, extended and extending. This am I, and this will never change…Father, my will is Yours. And I am safe, untroubled, and serene, in endless joy, because it is Your Will that it be so…Today we [Your children] will accept our union with each other and our Source."
I would like that very much.
Decide it. Decide you are worth it. Decide it is right. Decide you want it now. That is all you have to do, and then await it.
You cannot manufacture it. You cannot make it. You can create it.
I created My creation the same way that I suggest you do. I desired. I did not plan every detail. You know I work on the level of wholeness. So I desired children and a beautiful habitation and companions and sustenance, and the world arose with beauty beyond measure.
My thoughts manifested, as do yours. But I did not manifest my thoughts. I desired, and they manifested!
You plant a seed in the earth, and you let it grow. You do not tell it each step of its growth, what to do now, when, how — "Now drink the nutriments from the soil, air, and water, please." You trust in the seed's own infinite nature to manifest itself.
And so, with your desires, which are directed thoughts, not every which way thoughts — so with your desires is their fulfillment. Like a one-step cleaner, it is all combined.
State your desire again without looking back to what you wrote before.
I want total union with You, dear God, and with Your children. I want to be total expression of Your Will. I want this right away. I want Your fulfillment, dear Father.
Do you see how your stated desire is not in little pieces? You do not draw a blueprint. You request what you want and leave it to the designers and engineers of the universe.
The message is sent: "Gloria wants to join her will with God's in totality and fulfill His wish for conscious oneness with Himself and all that is."
The seed is planted. Let it nourish itself in its hidden place in the earth. When everything is in place, the seed will break through the soil and reach the sun and burst into flower as it was intended to do.
And so will you. And so will all. Joy will be unbounded. Angels will clap cymbals, beat drums, ring bells, and all the world will feel something, not knowing what, just as you have enjoyed unexplained joy and reveled in it.
My Will is done.
Gloria to Mother Divine:
Dear Mother Divine, what would you like to tell me this morning?
Mother Divine:
What is there to say next to God's creation? What can be added to the Immeasurable? What can be joined to Infinity?
But I will say something. Consider me a chorus. A round is being sung, and now I enter in.
To have a single desire makes it strong. Your single desire for fulfilling God's Will brings everything.
You could desire that your hair grow in dark rather than gray, that you have ample finances, that you be size 7 again, that everything go your way and so on. Now you see how partial and empty are those desires. Those thoughts keep you on a certain plane, when you can desire and have all of Heaven.
Desire enough. You want more than tiny samples. With the same energy, you can desire Heaven. And so you do. What is Heaven but God's Will and His fulfillment?
So, now, you have placed your desire on paper and deep in your heart, and God has heard your desire. He heard it before you knew it.
Now you leave your desire safe in God's trust. It is out of your hands. Stop striving.
The desire rests in you like a cooling ember that stays lit.
So, now you live your day. Know that there has been a huge opening in your heart, and God will fill it. I will arrange the fullness in your heart that God gives you, and you will truly be God's love on earth and in Heaven.
Gloria to God:
Dear God, Sandra emailed me today and asked how to claim Your treasures. Is it by total surrender to Your Will? If so, she doesn't know how to do it. And she would like to know how. My answers would be guesses. Would You like to respond to Sandra directly?
Sandra already has all the treasures. They are stowed in her heart. Because they are already hers, she can claim them. They are hers to claim and pick up.
Claiming is the realizing. That is self-realization.
My Will for Sandra is total happiness, love, joy, peace. The way to reach those treasures is to know Me.
Sandra wills joy, happiness, love, peace. Therefore, I am not the only One who wants that for her. That is her will as well. There is no difference between Sandra's will and Mine. Sandra wants to know to me as much as I want her to. Everyone does, whether they call Me God or Joy or Love or the Peace that surpasseth understanding, or they call Me not at all.
Sandra is My holy child. She is an expression of Me. She will claim her own worthiness, divinity, vision, and Source.
Sandra melts My heart. How close she is to Me, how dear. What a lovely expression of My Beingness she is.
Although I am everywhere in everything, I am most noticed in a deeper layer of existence, between heartbeats, between thoughts, in silence, as it were.
The world is a frightening place without Me. The world is so unstable. Opposites are true, or one is true today and the other tomorrow, and all proclaimed with such certainty.
But I am the only certainty, Sandra. Without Me, the world is a lonely place because everything comes and goes, and nothing stays.
There is not a magic formula for finding Me. There is not a sure trick or foolproof plan. There is no 1, 2, 3.
There is:
Look for Me.
Think of Me.
Feel Me.
Talk to Me.
Get to know Me, and you will know yourself.
Give Us, you and Me, to others.
Open the heart in truth and let My love in and My love out. There is nothing else to do.
I am an insight, Sandra. I am an experience of seeing within. I am within. I am your Creator. You are My divine creation.
I took love and formed it into Sandra. I put a body around you, but I gave you an inviolable connection to My Mind and Heart.
I am the Central Source, and Sandra is a way station.
Sandra is of Me. I am her Father. She is My child. I have been tapping on her shoulder, willing her to know Me, not what the world teaches of Me, but Me for herself.
I am not hard to know.
I am in the deep pool of your heart, Sandra.
I am in your breath.
We are inseparable, you and I.
You will find Me through joy. You will find Me through service. You will find Me through love. I have found you. I have never lost you. I am you, Sandra.
Reach into your heart for the treasures that are yours. My love is in your heart, My love, Sandra.
One more thing, dear Sandra, I want for you what you want. You do not have to force your will to be My Will. It already is.
Surrender to Me is knowing what you want. Surrender to Me is releasing ego, which is a false God. Surrender to Me is knowing your true Self. Surrender to Me is not hardship. It is not sacrifice. It means knowing Me, and in that knowing, you find where your heart lies.
Your heart, Sandra, is itself a treasure, and within it are the treasures of the Kingdom of Heaven, treasures within treasures, and that is Infinity, and that is you.