The Love in Your Heart

God said:

Be. Be love. Be nothing else. You can do it. There really isn't anything for you to do because you ARE love. Be it. Allow yourself to be it. Be love, and you will be who you are. Anger, disappointment etc. are all defenses against love. You don't need them. How My children fight the love in their hearts! They go to great lengths to deny it. There are no lengths that My children do not go to deny the love in their hearts. They will start wars to deny it. They will kill to deny it. So strong is the love in hearts that it takes great measures to deny it.

My children deny the love in their hearts because they think reason is better than love. They think reason is stronger, more undeniable. But reason is only rickrack next to your heart. How hard you have worked to curtail your love! You, no, not you, yet you, above all, will not love. You refuse to be vulnerable. You feel love is vulnerable. That means you think love depends on something else but itself. Love really does not have to depend on what is returned to it, or the comments made about it. How your love given is perceived is incidental. You are one who loves, and there is nothing you can do about it.

Negation of love has not the power of love. Love needs no force. Love is the tide that cannot be stemmed. Push against it all you want, but it is still love you are pushing against. Love doesn't push against anything. There is nothing for it to push against. Love's arm was raised and named the victor long ago.

Hold your love high. Be not embarrassed about it. Why should love be denied and other things extolled? Why should love, which is paramount, be recused like a judge who steps down from a case? Why on earth should love ever step down? Why should love ever be apologized for? Why on earth should love be hammered down, shunted off, disguised, imprisoned, put in a corner, sectioned off?

Give up on squelching love. Give into love. Long live love. Long may it shine in your heart. It will shine forever. Love is the only thing that shines. Vengeance doesn't shine. It glowers. It is dark.

Indifference is gloomy. Don't for one moment think that you don't care. You care very much.

There is no failing when it comes to love. If you think that obtaining an object is love, then you can fail. However it turns out, you have failed, for love by its nature does not obtain. It does not try to. It does not grasp. It gives.

There is nothing you have to learn about love except to give it without thought. What do you have to know about love? What is there to learn? Love is there, and you let it be, and you let it come to the fore.

Love cannot be contrived. It cannot be decided. It already is.

Whatever you may think, you are full of love.

Barriers to love are only barriers. They can come down. Don't be afraid to love and love and love.

Love does not have to be designated. You do not have to shout it from the rooftops. Love will have its own say. You cannot shut it up forever.

Start now with loving this day. Why not love this day? Why not concede to love? Acknowledge its presence.

Love triumphs. Nothing else does. Don't be fooled. Recognize the love in your heart, and don't be shy about it. Hurry up about it.

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Be. Be love. Be nothing else. You can do it. There really isn't anything for you to do because you ARE love. Be it. Allow yourself to be it. Be love, and you will be who you are. Anger, disappointment etc. are all defenses against love. You don't need them. How My children fight the love in their hearts! They go to great lengths to deny it. There are no lengths that My children do not go to deny the love in their hearts. They will start wars to deny it. They will kill to deny it. So strong is the love in hearts that it takes great measures to deny it.

Going to great lengths

Yes, I have been going to great lengths to deny the love in my heart.
And yet, there is love in my heart.
I have masqueraded as disappointment, fear, worry, anger, retaliation, superiority, inferiority, guilt, shame, regret, etc.
I have hidden my face from myself. I have hidden my beautiful face.
But You see my face clearly. You know me so well. You know me better than I do.
You say I am Love. It used to be just words to me... well not exactly, there was an intuitive feeling that pulled me towards Your Words.
Something said yes. And yet it wasn't directly experienced. Now I am feeling Your Love in my heart.
Reality is shattering my illusions of separation. And it's like I am holding on for dear "life". But what do I hold on to? Is it life?
No, I hold on to nothingness. I hold on to illusion. To what never was. And I who am holding on cannot be real.
God does not hold on to illusion. Truth does not hold on to anything. There is nothing but Truth... it has to be so. Truth is the only Reality.
So who am I, the one who is holding on? It cannot be that this is my real Self. This is not who I am. I cannot pinpoint what it is, but I don't have to.
This resistance does not have to be here. It does not have to be in my experience. I do not have to resist You. I cannot. It is all in my imagination.
How could I resist That which is Everywhere, which is my very Being? How could I resist my Self? Illusion may seem convincing, but to whom? To my real Self?
No, my real Self is already awake. Already fully awake. Already fully aware of Reality. My real Self IS Reality.
Obviously Truth is Present. Obviously Love is Truth, Love is Real. But Love is not what I thought. Love is more than I ever imagined.
Love is Love beyond all my thoughts about it. Something just released. I am so thankful that Reality exists. That Reality is Peace.
I am thankful that Reality is dawning in my conscious awareness. Well, it is beyond dawning. It is all there is, fully present, NOW, and yet I pretend I am yawning and sleepy.
What a dream! I am ready Self. I am ready to drop the imagination that there ever could be a resistant force. There cannot be. There is One Power, and it is You. Only You exist and You are my Self.
You are greater than all my concepts. Greater than anyone's concepts. You are beyond words. You ARE. AM-ness IS
I surrender to Reality.


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