Life Is Your Medium
No matter how marvelous and exquisite your life is right now, if it were locked in as it now appears, you would feel unsatisfied.
Steps in life once taken have been taken. In life, you are one who moves. Neither life nor you can be immobilized. There is always a direction you move in. You move towards.
Of course, it is I you are always moving towards. Even though I am fully in your life, you are moving towards Me. You ascend. You are always ascending.
Even when your heart drops, you are ascending.
Even when you are at a low point, you are ascending.
There is no stepping out of life. You are always in the swell of it.
You have no other recourse in life but to live it. Life has been given to you to move in. Be graceful. Life is a high card you have been given. Be grateful.
It is the opportunity you have been seeking. Life is what you have been seeking. You think you have been seeking outcomes, but it is the vitality of life itself that you have and yet seek.
This is a good search, your search for more in life. It is the search for you to come to know yourself better and to express yourself more fully. First you find out who you are. And then you express yourself to yourself. Become a good listener.
You are on your way. This is splendid. You are always on your way. It is easy. It only becomes hard when you become stubborn. What is so hard about moving in life except when you refuse to?
Life has its way. You can balk all you want, but you cannot refuse it. When you accept life, then you move on in it.
Life comes to you, but you also rise to meet it.
Life is a metaphor for your travels in consciousness. You have a consciousness that far outsteps your life, and you are on your way to meeting the consciousness you have never been separated from and have always known, even when your eyes have been closed to it.
You are consciousness moving in a Human body. You don't really think it is your body that I speak to, do you? You don't really think I speak to time and space? I speak to the only thing in the world that truly exists, and that is you, the consciousness of you. You are the response to the love in My heart. You are Creation. You are My Creation. I created you so you would discover yourself and Me. By whatever name you may call Me, however long it takes you to think of calling Me, you are trying to find your origin. You originated with Me. I am your Source.
Yet there is no beginning and no end to you. If there were an end, it would be I. We began together, yet there was no beginning, and there is no end, for there is no beginning nor ending to Being. You are Being, and you live now as a Created Being.
This manifestation of you in a Human body is such a minor thing. It is almost irrelevant. It is irrelevant, and yet it matters, and this existence in life exists so that you may know who you are. You can never be anything but what you are. And you are being temporarily housed in a Human body. You are housed but not imprisoned.
Just as these words fall from My lips, so does life fall to you. Here are My words. Here is your life. Do with them as you will. Make of them what you will. Surrender your life, and then you move your life faster and higher — and less hesitatingly.
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