The Great Prize
Annette to God:
Dear God, a few years ago I legally changed my first name (from Annette to D.) to conform to a certain belief system that teaches that one's first name should begin with a sound that harmonizes with one's soul (that's my interpretation).
I now find that I want to change back to Annette, the name I was born with. To do it legally again is a hassle, but I am willing to do it if it means I can once again feel comfortable about the sound of my name.
D. is a good name in its own right, but it just doesn't fit me. I now feel that my real name, Annette, truly fits me better.
God, are there special sounds or names that You have for each of Your children? Why do I feel so uncomfortable with names that begin with the "do" sound? Is that really my soul note or soul sound? Do You mind if I change my name back? Or should I select a totally different name?
There is much name-changing. Some people change their names for numerology. Some change their names for the big screen. Some change their names for sound value.
Certainly everything has a sound value. Certainly you have your own vibration of consciousness.
And yet My children look for things outside themselves to bring them a great prize. The great prize is your life. You already have that now.
In terms of the big picture, a name change is a detail. My beloved, don't get caught up in details. Get caught up in your heart.
If you listen to everything that is out there, every scrap of information, every direction, every instruction, advice, idea, no matter how wonderful, if you keep looking for a detail to change your life, you spend your life looking for details. That becomes your life.
You keep waiting for the something else. Look for Me.
Instead of thinking what out there will bring Me closer to God faster, think of Me and My love for you.
Annette, dear, you already know My answer to you. You want to change your name back? Change it. I don't mind. Just know that a name change is not The Answer. I am The Answer.
You do not need My permission to return your name to the name given to you at birth. You do not have to adhere to that name either.
You are a free creature on earth. You are unbounded in every sense of the word.
Going back to My soup analogy yesterday, searching for the perfect ingredients outside of you, searching for the perfect recipe makes for a good search, but where is the soup? The recipe is not the soup. Stay home, as it were, and make a soup today. Look at the cupboard within, and you will see you are well-stocked. You don't have to look for the secrets of a fabulous soup out there somewhere. You will be given contradictory information. You can be sure of that.
Dear Annette, all the ingredients are within you. Here I am. Right here. Not a hairbreadth away. You look too far afield.
Your true name is My child. I call you My child. How much does another name matter? Another name does not change your true identity.
Consider a name change as a hairstyle. Is there one perfect hairstyle for you? Perhaps. And if there is, do you have to have it? Is an image of you you? Is your name you?
Are you dependent on a subtle sound change? Subtle sound change exists. Sound is a power. Dependency here is an issue.
Do things the easy way, Annette. It may be you go out of your way to make life hard, or unattainable, in your search for perfection.
It is time for you to look for answers within, to trust your answers. You need no one's permission. You need your own.
You are My love whatever sound your name begins with. That will never change. You are My beloved child. Know that in the core of your heart.
Believe in Me. Believe Me. Believe in what I say. Believe in yourself.
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Ruth to God:
Dear God, I am so grateful for your response to me yesterday. It is hard for me to have a different relationship with this friend. I don't want to be cruel but I need to let go of it and not feel guilty. I guess You are giving me permission not to put her needs above mine. Thank You for always being there to help me.
Your grateful daughter, Ruth
God to Ruth:
Yes, beloved, you have My permission. You would never be cruel. And I am always here to help you. And I am grateful for your presence.