Life Is like a Soup You Make

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Dear God, on another subject, I just want to note that I find I do have more confidence in You. I know my confidence has nothing to do with You; it is my confidence. It has to do with me.

An example of my greater confidence is when I run out of questions from Heavenreaders for You. I know questions will come in. And they do. I know You bring them. I know I don't have to put out a call in Heavenletters. And I know You don't need Heavenreaders' questions. Maybe I don't need them either, but I sure like to have them.


Who runs the show here? Who is the Questioner? Questions I want to respond to in Heavenletters will appear one way or another. We could say that My answer comes first and the question after. It's like I bake a cake for you, double-chocolate, and you, or someone, finds himself thinking of chocolate-cake, and you get up and make one. But Whose idea was it?

And Who eats it? Who eats every last crumb?

Every question you ask may not be for yourself.

You may not know what a blessing your question is for another.

But whatever question you ask, you can know it is for more than yourself alone.

Heavenletters cultures this.

It cultures an awareness of others.

It cultures giving, for what is a question but sending up a balloon for all to gaze at and amaze at?

How beautiful are My children's questions.

How poignant.

How heart-opening.

How educational.

Questions stir the pot of life.

Shall you add salt?

What is needed to make this soup tastier?

How can it be cooked faster?

How can it be an epitome of soup?

What ingredients must be added?

Start fresh every day.

Put a new pot on the stove.

One day you will get it.

One day you will know that the soup you made today was incomparable.

You cannot recapture it.

You will not try to recapture it.

But you can make another exquisite one.

Sometimes you don't know how exquisite the soup you made was until another day when you remember it.

But you need soup today.

Yesterday's soup is yesterday's soup.

Don't reheat it.

Make fresh soup today.


You are so spontaneous. You don't have to prepare. You don't worry ahead of time.


I don't worry after either.

What is worry but a misunderstanding?

What is fear but a misunderstanding?

What is pain but a misunderstanding?

What is longing but a misunderstanding?

What is anything less than joy but a misunderstanding of who you are and what you are doing?

Or a lack of understanding.

You think you have a need to understand.

Sometimes you want to understand the un-understandable. Understandable for you, not for Me.

Live without need to understand.

Wouldn't that be a tremendous relief?

What if you knew you didn't have to understand anything?

What if you knew you just had to be?

What if you knew being is your task?

What if you knew your task is to enjoy rather than struggle?

What if you knew that effort is a misunderstanding?

What if you knew you have already run the race? You have passed the finished line. You won. You are fine. You are cheered. But you don't know because your head is down, and you keep running.

What if you knew you have arrived?

Can you suspect it?

Can you suspect that you already are all you have to be?

There would be no high-blood pressure, don't you think?

What is this race you run? that My children run?

I don't race.

I sit and all comes to Me.

You come to Me.

Your arrival is from your side, not Mine.

I knew you were here all along.

You keep looking for what there is no need to look for, and so you look in the wrong places.

Look for Me here in your heart, and then you have located yourself.

Locate Me in your heart, for your heart is Mine, after all.

* * *

Diane to Heavenletters:

Hi Gloria! We just returned from a two-week vacation in gorgeous Michigan. I feel renewed and blessed. Just beginning to read my 2 weeks of Heaven. I love God's idea (8-15) of leftover money or love or abundance put in a God account to be used as we are moved to do so. Thanks God.

Ruth to God:

Dear God, thank You so much for Your loving answer to me yesterday, August 15, about my friend. I realize that I can only truly give when my heart is open. It seems to me that I must again terminate this relationship, although I thought possibly there had been enough change to enable a different quality of interaction. But now it has slid back to where it was before, and I feel it is destructive. I will truly entrust her to Your care, and I know that is the best for her. I am not even sure she will accept Heavenletters if I offer that to her as a gift. But I will try.

Thank You again for all Your love and patience with a slow learner like me!

God to Ruth:

It is not a decree that you must terminate a relationship with your friend, but you do have to terminate THAT relationship as it existed. Perhaps you can be friends on an easier basis; perhaps you cannot. Perhaps you can be her friend without responsibility, and she can be your friend without demands. Perhaps you can not mind when she demands. And perhaps you do have to let go of contact with her. Perhaps at a later time, she can come to you, leaving her needs behind, and still desire to be friends with you. There is no doubt of what a good friend you are.

You want to feel free in a friendship. You want a balance of energy. It is like when you invite a friend for dinner, you are happy preparing it. But, if from then on, the friend keeps coming over for dinner on her own initiative and expecting you to prepare dinner, your pleasure isn't there any longer. Stay with what makes you happy. Consider your needs. You do not need to put the needs of others before your own.

Beloved Ruth, remember not to let yourself be over-extended in other areas of life as well. See yourself as the top of a pyramid, and not as the wide wedge that supports the pyramid. Be the point of the pyramid that reaches up, not down.