The Glory of Heaven

God said:

Wherever you are sitting, I am with you. When you get up, I am with you. No matter what, I am with you. This is the Reality of life. This is the Reality of your life. All the trimmings, nice ones, not so nice ones, they are not reality. They are add on’s, accessories, comments written as though they were biographical or scientific or anything at all but fiction, scurrilous or creditable, yet fiction nevertheless.

Story rides the crest of the waves of the tiding ocean. Story is beloved in the world. You want to know how it all comes out. The story continues on Earth, and you never get to the end. There is no ending. Wherever or whenever you stop off, there is more story going on with or without you in it.

The Real Story is another thing. Beneath the fiction is the Real Story. The Real Story has all the vitality from which a story comes. The fiction doesn’t stand a chance next to the True Story. True, the Real Story doesn’t have the suspense. But which of you needs suspense when you are in the Glory of the Light of Heaven? In suspense, you are suspended. In the Glory of the Light of Heaven, your feet are on the ground, as it were. In fiction, your head is in the clouds. The world has it backwards. For a long time, the world has had it backwards.

That which is not evident in the story holds Truth. The story is based on Truth, yet the story is out-of-the-ball-park-fiction. It is fantasy played to the hilt. Your factual bio is fiction. Your vital statistics are fiction. Your entire life is a fictionalized story of love not yet believed in, love unimagined, love dampened, unheard of, squelched, trod on, buried, tormented, thrown away, burglarized, burnt, bedraggled, nefarious, and it is all fiction. Life is more than what meets the eye. What meets the eye is an infinitesimal spark of life. What meets the eye is light grown dim.

So what is it that happens in the action field of life? Nothing happens, beloveds. A lot seems to happen, but nothing happens. All the wailing and wearing sack cloth is but embroidery. From the fullness of nothingness, a tiny handwriting emerges, yet no mark is left, erased the moment it is written, tossed to the winds.

Who could make up life with all its twists and turns? And, yet, it is all made up. It is agreed upon, yet made up. The rules shift in sand. World life has become quicksand, and you have become stuck in it. Even though it is fiction, you can’t put the book down. You who are immortal feel you are immortalized in fiction. You need no immortalizing.

And yet, all this being said, life is to be lived. You don’t waste life just because it is fiction. You don’t accept a shoddy life just because it is fiction. In the fictional world, you do the utmost you can to be a hero. While you are in this dream of story, why not be the hero? Why not be the one who saves the day. Why not be the prince who carries off the princess, even as in the story, they are disguised and do not yet know their true royalty? Why not be the greatest fiction writer the world has ever seen?

Even in the world, you can live the glory of Heaven. You can be evidence of Heaven. To be sure, you are the hero of your own novel. You can be the villain too if you want, but why would you want to be anything but the hero of this drama you find yourself in?

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Standing ovation

Either God is becoming a better writer or Gloria is becoming a better writer. This is awesome stuff. Truly. But beyond the poetry is the dead-on portrayal of Life in the light of Truth. I am jealous. But who is it that is jealous? In the words of the head writer, my character (and my story) is merely "out-of-the-ball-park-fiction....a fantasy played to the hilt."

...or your heart is more

...or your heart is more receiptive to the Love and Truth of God.

much love to you dear Gary

Undoing the time

Time does not exist in The Real Story (Heaven) but it is consistent in the personal self of Earth. Freedom of choice is a consequence of separation or division. Before the separation there was only Freedom. Before the separation, To Be and To Have IS One. After the separation, there was a split in the mind and a split between Being and Having. That is when the stories and fictions began. Time became real and gave rise to the endless struggles between being and having. We all HAVE our personal stories. But ARE WE our stories?

The call of both TO BE or TO HAVE is in our mind. Heaven and Earth are both in our mind. We just have to choose where we want to go. Do we want to stay in pulp fiction or do we want to go back home, which we never left? We can straighten our mind NOW by letting go this sense of separation. God is offering us to undo the time that we need to remember that we are One with Him. Only the personal self thinks it has something to loose or not-to-have.

What is the most amazing is that there is no real time even in our fictional stories.These stories, even the past ones, are actually unwinding in front of our eyes as a movie and a script. We just forgot that we are watching a movie that we have scripted. God is waiting for us at the entrance of the cinema.

No matter what, I am with

No matter what, I am with you. This is the Reality of life.

Nothing to add really.
much much love

I think we have to add time,

I think we have to add time, dear Berit.
When time is over, we won't have to add anything. But it is not so yet. That is why we still have Heavenletters everyday.

i'm impressed. Peace, Bernie

i'm impressed.

Peace, Bernie


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