The Enlightenment That Is Yours
What is there for you to do but laugh? How laughable is the relative world! And how serious it has become. Life on Earth has become the most serious thing in the world. That in itself is something to laugh about. That which is taken seriously is temporal while that which is Eternal may too often be ignored.
Yet even Eternity is not to be taken seriously. You already are Eternal. Infinity is not to be taken seriously, for you are already Infinite. Even I am not to be taken so seriously. I am laughing all the time. Laugh with Me. Today I tell you to laugh just for the fun of it.
Is it not hard to keep from laughing? When you think about life in the world, what can you do but laugh at the seriousness of it? The world has taken enlightenment very seriously. Haven't you? Enlightenment is not to be taken so seriously. It is your birthright. It is Who you are.
The world has gotten so many things backwards. How did the world do that? I will tell you. It did that by taking itself so seriously.
And, so, learn from the world, and do not take yourself so seriously.
The lighter your heart is, the faster you will notice the enlightenment that is yours. When you have a good laugh, you will begin to have an idea of what enlightenment is. That is when you really begin to know.
Of course, the laugh is on you. You are already enlightened. Enlightenment is a short shift in perception. Come over to the laughing side, and you will begin to perceive the side of the fence you are really on.
You have thought of living life as being in a conundrum. Think again. Think of life as being in Heaven under another name.
If everything is illusion, beloveds, then even your thought that you are unenlightened is illusion. You are in a magic show, and the magician, your mind, has fooled you. As valuable as the mind is, it is too often a false prophet.
You stand in the middle of My heart, and your mind can't accommodate this. I can. I know right where you are, and I know the truth of your Being, for it is Mine.
Am I enlightened? I would say so. What I am, you are. So what is all the fuss about?
Taking life to heart doesn't mean to take it so seriously. Take yourself to heart, and start laughing. Your laughter will reverberate all over the world, all over the Universe. Laughter is like lighting the stove, beloveds. The closer to laughter you are, the closer you are to My heart, and your heart is lit. Your heart is lit brightly.
It is more fun to not take your life on Earth so seriously. Let your life be comedy and no longer melodrama.
Life is a magnificent roll of fabric that you are opening. What a tapestry you are unfolding. Soon enough you will roll it back again neatly, and no one will ever know it was opened. Is that not something to have a good laugh over?
The curtain goes up on stage, and there is a hush. There is a hush where laughter belongs. It is only a play, beloveds. Nothing really happens. All is as it is, and it is a revelation of love. You peek through the mist of life, and see a play. The curtain may go down, yet the play continues, the play, the show, the curtain opening and closing, the unfolding and folding of drapery, the opening and closing of windows, of doors, of hearts. There are scenes presented, and then the scenes evaporate, and, all the while, you are enlightened.
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