A Good Potato Soup
Although there is no space, you are a space traveler. You are in nonexistent space right now. You imagine you are on solid land. There is ground under your feet, to be sure, yet the ground under your feet is in imagined space. You are nowhere and everywhere. Your legs are dangling but not over a cliff. There are no cliffs. Suspended in imagined space, you are not really suspended. Stationed in My heart, you are the very beat of My heart. I assure you that My heart is full. It is full of love. My heart cushions you. You don't float. You are fully immersed. It is not even that you get dunked in My heart, for there is no leaving it, not even for a moment. In My heart, you stay. My heart has no range it covers, for it is all. To be out of My heart is an impossibility, for all is love, and I AM All, and you are All. You are not this isolated dot that you have thought and made the best of.
The best is yet to come in your perception. In other words, the best has already come. It is already yours. You have never been without it. Can the sun be without light? Can I be without you? Can you be without Me? You are the sum total of love, yet there is nothing to count to. One is One. Consider yourself countless. Consider yourself the epitome of My love. Consider yourself the streaming flow of My love. Consider yourself My love apparent. You are My love appearing every which way, even though love is One and has no ways. Love is not sparse. Love is overflowing. From love you came, and love you are. You are nothing but My love. You have persuaded yourself otherwise.
Your mind may have told you in moments of fervor that the last thing you are is love. Beloveds, you cannot abscond from love. You can give a good show about being loveless. Let Me make it clear that anything seeming less than love is an act.
When you act in anger, you are acting. Your mind gave you a fomenting part to play, and you have put your heart into it. You are such a good actor that you have convinced yourself that anger is real, and that love would be the act. Anything less than love is only a costume, beloveds. You have many costumes in your closet. Love which is permanent does not alter.
You who are love have written scripts that tell you that when you do not feel love, you are out of love. You bought your own fable. That you are distraught is a signal that your mind is having you look away from love. Looking away does not alter the love. Love is merely out of your view for a moment, just as, in the kitchen, you might think you are out of potatoes when you have a bag of potatoes you have forgotten about. You sure thought you were out of potatoes. All the while, you could have made a good potato soup. Potatoes were ready to leap into the pot. You simply had forgotten potatoes were stashed in your cupboard.
Look again, beloveds. Look into your heart. Love is stirring there. Rather, love is waiting for you to reach in and pull it out, where you can see it as a panorama from a camera with a wide lens.
Beloveds, you are taking your own pictures. Keep your eyes on love, and you will see the grace of love spilling out from you as if to reveal a desert covered with flowers.
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