The Door of Awareness

God said:

When time and sequence do not exist, there is no when. There is no why either, for one thing does not depend upon another, as it seems to.

When space does not exist, there is no where. Therefore, there is no location. You cannot be located in either time or space. Therefore, you are boundless.

As I use the word therefore, I seem to be signifying that cause and result and a sequence are so. In words, We connect the unconnectable. Words develop a story, yet all that really exists is what We can call Is-ness. There is no was-ness. There is no will-be-ness. There is only Is-ness.

There can be no where-ness. There can be awareness, however. There is awareness. Awareness is the whole story, beloveds.

And, yet, awareness happens by itself. And yet awareness doesn't happen. It simply is. Awareness isn't recognized in slow degrees. Awareness of awareness comes in flashes. Awareness isn't static, and yet awareness isn't a comparable, and yet it is compared. What is so fair as a day in June? Awareness is.

Does awareness lead or follow? Inasmuch as there is no time, how can this question be responded to, and yet it is asked and guessed at daily.

I am introducing you to the relative world that you are so familiar with. You think you know it. You think it's the milieu you live in and love in. And yet the relative world that occupies most of your time and heart doesn't exist anyway. Life as a whole, as it is referenced in the world, is only as big as your little fingernail. A percentage of your thought dominates the seeming realm of your existence.

You are at a ballpark watching a game, and you think the ballpark is the whole world. Your world is a fraction, and yet as you waltz here and there in the world, you are traveling through a far greater Universe. Rather than travel, you hold it like an umbrella. It always goes with you. You open and close the umbrella, and yet, open or closed, the umbrella has jurisdiction over you. Rather, you are dancing under this greater umbrella, come rain or come shine.

You might ask: "God, why do I have to know any of this? Why do I have to know that which I can hardly glance at? Why do I have to know that which is beyond the immediate world I am acquainted with? You say I am in Heaven always and not transported there. You say the world I live in is the fairy tale, and yet the unobvious world you speak of seems like a myth. I cannot grasp it. Are you saying I must grasp it?"

I say it is good for you to have the Unseen in view. Even when you cannot unlock a door, it is good for you to know it is there.

Further, I say, there is no door you cannot open. Turn the knob. This Door of Awareness is not locked to you. You go through this door between every breath and every word you take. Beloveds, your foot is in the door.

Enjoy the fairy tale story you live in. Enjoy all the pictures and all the panorama and drama and all that which you call karma. Enjoy it to the fullest. This fairy tale is for you to enjoy. One day you will know it is only a story that you act out. Off the stage, you are no longer an actor. In the overt world, you are Being playing a part, and you play it well. You give it everything you think you've got. And yet you've got a hundred million billion trillion more. You have this hundred billion trillion more in every cell of the body you walk around in. What you are is immeasurable. Although the world measures you and itself all the non-existent time in all its non-existent space, you are measureless.

In measured speech, I say to you that you are fathomless, as fathomless as I.

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We are the scenarist and the scenario.

Time and space are just an "effect" of our perception of discontinuity. It is a result of our dichotomized ego-mind. Our logical brain needs the illusion of time and space (which is a dichotomy in itself) to construct a meaningful representation of our "separated" reality.

But at the same time, when we conceive something, the Germ-Idea does not reside in any specific space or time. It comes from Here and Nowhere. We build a scenario around this Germ-Idea and this scenario is constituted of numerous discrete units that will be used to express this Germ-Idea. Time and space are components of the grid or matrix that allows to express the Idea through these discrete units according to a plan. Furthurmore, we, as the conceiver of the Idea, become also part of the Grid. So time and space start to exist only in the Expression, in the Scenario and in the Scenarist.

But an Idea can be expressed simultaneously through many grids and many scenarios (just think of the beautiful bio-diversity on this Planet). And scenarios are like Universes. We are ourselves ideas of God and we can play simultaneously many scenarists and many scenarios in many Universes, "all at the same and at the same location", which is the equivalent of ANYWHERE, NOWHERE, ANYTIME, NOTIME, "under the umbrella".

God is telling us to let go our logic because it is definitely so, so, so limited! Even if we cannot grasp the depth of the Divine Logic, it is good for us "to have the unseen in view".

Awareness is always here, it is Is-ness, indeed but "awareness of awareness comes in flash". And God through this Heaven Letter is giving me this kind of flash. Thank you God.

Dearest Maestro, I am

Dearest Maestro, I am trying to understand, to be aware that there is an innocent ISNESS

that exists and that THAT is what THOU ART. That ISNESS must be the unfathomable

BEING THAT YOU ARE! You end this HeavenLetter by saying, "You, my Children,

are as fathomless as I!" You also lovingly remind us that it serves us well to always

keep the UNSEEN in view.....the Spirit of Heaven, of you, GOD! Of Your endless peace

and of Your boundless Love for us. YES, THOSE ARE THE ANGEL THOUGHTS THAT


and there is GREAT JOY in that knowing!


oh dear God,,
am enjoy all my roll of my life you give to me,
and i thankful, is nice to know evrything you telling as
our life here in the earth, what ever you say your words
and i say AAMen

An unusual dream

I always have a tough, tough time with the concepts of no time and no space. Trying to think along these lines starts my head spinning.

After reading this Heavenletter last night, I had a very unusual dream. I wonder if the dream was somehow connected to this letter, but I’m not at all sure. Last night I was also pondering over my plan to put together a second 7 Heavenletter ebook centered around the general topic of “purpose” as a theme. I was toying with the potential title: What’s It All About, God? Maybe the dream was somehow related to this potential ebook. Maybe both? Maybe neither?

Here is a synopsis of this very long dream for those who might be interested. It starts out with me wondering around in some huge building that is totally dark -- pitch black. I am very carefully exploring the building, feeling my way around in the dark. I feel all kinds of doors, hallways, stairs, chairs, etc. I remember being worried that I might stumble if I am not real careful and I remember wanting to find a comfortable place to sleep.

Then, as dreams often do, the situation is changed. The building is well lighted and it seems like morning. I recognize the building as a “federal building” where government employees work and I recognize many of the features of the interior of the building that I felt previously in the dark. I now see clearly.

I also notice a number of men and women dressed very professionally in suits and ties at work in the building. I somehow realize that these are “FBI agents” and they are going about their “FBI” duties very intently. I do not recognize them nor do they recognize me, but we are cordial to each other and I am not interfering in any way. They seem to accept my presence in a matter of fact way, but I have no idea how I was dressed. I know I was not one of them.

I remember being hungry and coming across a cafeteria and sitting down to eat. The dream quietly ended there.

I would be interested in any interpretations anyone comes up with. Who knows, maybe it is just some random creation my dreaming mind entertained itself with.

Love to all……Chuck

Chuck to hunger and thirst

Chuck you flip my switch. Now the light's on

"GEORGE!!! You're back!

"GEORGE!!! You're back! Wooohoooo! I was wondering how long your "holiday" was going to last.

Chuck, thanks for sharing

Chuck, thanks for sharing the dreams. I enjoy dream interpretation. We can also try interpreting happenings during the "waking state".

Light to dark: I was stumbling through life, and now I see with greater awareness
FBI agents: The fight against the system has stopped and now I satisfy my purpose without conflict and work within the system. My actions are harmonious and without ego, hence I go unnoticed by the powers that I was previously in conflict with.
Food: I am experiencing abundance in my life and my desires are naturally realised without having to wait too long

One Love

Thanks Santhan

Santhan, your interpretation helps and feels right. I was having trouble understanding what this FBI symbolism might be about. I did notice that the dream was not assopciated with any kind of bliss or feeling of accomplishment, nor was there any unpleasantness -- just total neutrality.

Let's hear it for George being back with us: "Hip, hip hooray!"


Awareness mingled with our divine consciousness

We can't find this mysterious place of divine knowing. It's impossible to find when we look for it "outside". The mystery is hidden inside us so deeply and well, to find it we must look within. That's where we hear our heavenly DADDY whisper: "All that I have is thine." To look makes it hide. To LISTEN to God's Voice from within is where we learn to KNOW.
This is how we grow. Thanks sweet One


WOW! Awesome,

I read the other first with help. Now I get this readable version!!!!!!! See my comments on the other

Another WooooHooooo! George

Another WooooHooooo! George is back!

"It is good to you to know

"It is good to you to know it is there".

And you are here again.

Love to all


The rhythm and style of how

The rhythm and style of how God speaks in this Heavenletter is so fresh! The highest truth is conveyed to us in such a cool, simple and digestible way. Only a few hours before reading this letter I was having a conversation with a friend about how time, space, atom and karma are only a concepts. I love how this Heavenletter conveys the truth that is.

1 Heavenletter Haiku for

1 Heavenletter Haiku for you

Hello Friends,

God said Beloveds
One day you will know you are

Love, Light and Aloha!


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