The Divine Light in All

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

In some cases I see that people on food stamps and Medicaid do not get treated so well as people who are not.


So you see the power that some try to exert. Control is rampant and considered right. All the silly rules that man makes! All the discriminative rules!


Is it to punish people?


It is separating people. Just as you might, just might, be stand-offish to a man unshaven and unkempt, to some it is like that.

In the case of a ragged man, it is the dress and appearance of the physical body.

But, regardless, it is an appraisal ahead of time. Individuals are lumped into a category. It is the same thing as when one shows extra consideration to someone who is famous or wealthy. The extra consideration in one case is because someone is considered more, and in the other case because someone is considered less, and all based on trappings.


So we act on our impressions.


Impressions and impressions from others, and that is called programming or patterns of learning. To be free, you need to free yourself of those also. Clear your head and clear your eyes, and your heart will be clear.


Some societies have tried to make everyone the same, and maybe they meant well, but that doesn't seem to have worked. Hierarchies still arose.


You cannot make people treat everyone the same based on outer trappings either.

Christ saw the Divine light in all. He was good to everyone, but he did not treat everyone the same. He was the same. Hear what I just said. He was the same.


Then it would be like You. Your truth is Your truth, but You don't speak to each of us exactly the same way.


Truth meets truth.

That is good to experience.

You have experienced some of that.

You experience that when you are attuned to Me.

Truth feels so good.

Truth is so relaxing.

You have experienced it with some people as well.

It is not in the words although the words may reveal the innocence of Truth, the unpretentiousness of Truth, may reveal the love Truth is. But it is the being of the person that establishes peace. Another name for peace is non-effort.

Peace or effort, which do you choose?


Yesterday was a day of hurt feelings for me. Sometimes I think I will never learn. I make the same errors again and again.

You never make me feel small. You may correct me; you may even chastise me; but You never make me feel small. You won't even allow me to feel small. You won't stand for it.


Then why do you let someone's mere words do that to you?

Look for love from Me and not from others. Look for acceptance from Me and not from others. It is your own smallness that does this to yourself. Know your self-worth, and you won't tolerate it any more than I tolerate it for you. You won't have it.


I don't seem to be able to break out of this. At least I haven't. I keep thinking I have, and then I slip back into it. I make myself vulnerable to this particular person. This person isn't anyone I have to see or have to have contact with. And it's not often we do. And it isn't every time that I feel uncomfortable, but many times.


Whatever the intention or motives of this certain person whose words you let bite you time and time again, whatever the intention, she is teaching you to honor yourself. Let that be what she has done for you. Let hurt feelings be of the past. Hurt feelings are ego, nothing more. They are not honorable. They don't prove anything one way or the other. They are of no use except to point you to Me. Replace hurt feelings with sense of your own value. Remember Me instead of someone's thoughtlessness or hurtfulness. That is really their thing, isn't it? You don't need to make it yours.


Dear God, what is it I think I want from this person? I don't think I'm ever going to get it, and yet I keep anticipating it.


Don't wait for anything.

Don't wait for Me.

I am already here.

Why do you persist in thinking that any man or woman on earth has any power over you? The power is Mine, and I love, and I know. I know the pure hearts of My children.


Should I just write this person off? Should I say what I feel?


I think you should just forget it. You have bigger things to do. Keep your heart for Me. Don't close it to anyone, but remember that it is aligned to Mine and keep it out of the petty playing field.

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William to Heavenletters:

Great and clear advice and insight October 26!

Jaymie to Heavenletters:

Hello Gloria, you may remember from long ago how ill my uncle was in intensive care, and I wondered why God would let anyone suffer so much and for so long? Now my uncle is doing wonderful! He is back to work part time and living life to its fullest.

Thank you very much for Heavenletters.

Bev to Heavenletters:

Two very nice quotes from October 27's so amazingly beautiful Heavenletter:

"Acquaint yourself with Me, for I AM your deepest heart and your deepest truth."

"The heart has wings."

"Take wing, My hearts, and come to Me."