A Ray of the Sun

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I feel an overwhelming urge to ask You how You are this morning even though I know the answer.


I am well, thank you. I am beaming in this what you call morning. I am ever the same. I am the Sun that shines, rain or shine. My light never varies. Only the circumstances around it. That is why you want to come to know Me within yourself, for then the circumstances won't weigh heavily on you. The clouds come and go, but I am always. Beneath the clouds am I also. Before the outer appearance of the Sun am I also. Sun setting and sun rising are myths of the world, for the Sun never sets. And dark never comes. Light does not arise. Light is, as I AM.

Consider yourself a ray of the Sun.

For are you not a ray of My light?

Do you not shine from Me onto earth?

Did I not give you to the earth?

Didn't I plant you there for the benefit of all?

For the earth and its inhabitants.

For My good will.

My love had to do something. It had to go somewhere.

And you, I blew onto earth, so that you may cultivate it and remember your knowledge of Me and what love is and how you shine it on My behalf.

You are there on My behalf.

On behalf of Me, I put you there.

Keep your eyes on the Heaven star and you will stay on course.

You are Wholeness, not pieces.

You are a point on My star.

You are My light radiated on earth, and you look for some other meaning, some other lesser meaning.

Nothing is important on earth, and yet it is all important.

That you get a comma right matters.

That your eyebrow is penciled right matters.

That your neighbor not step on your flowers is important.

That your house is neat.

That you put memories away.

That you wake with joy.

How your eye falls on My creation is all-important.

How eyes look on you matters, you think.

All is important, and yet naught matters naught.

There is a common thread. It is a holy thread. It is the vibrant thread that connects you to Heaven. Keep it taut. Keep pulling on it, for so you ring the bell in Heaven that announces you. It is like a tug on My robe. It is like a hand holding Mine. It is like a pulse that renews Our vows of synchronicity. Our vows not of intent but Our vows of what has already occurred. We never were not married. We have been Oneness only. We never parted. We never eclipsed Ourselves.

Consider yourself a hologram of My light portrayed on earth. Consider Our DNA to be the same. It need not be tested. It is immutable that We are One, on earth and in Heaven.

That Oneness is never trammeled. Sometimes it is clouded or shrouded in misted illusion. The shining Sun must lift the mist. It is inevitable. Our Oneness needs no refueling, no resurgence, no relighting. Our Oneness needs only your sighting of it.

You mislaid your eyeglasses somewhere, and you don't remember where. You are the same, but you cannot see quite so well. When you find your Godglasses and put them on, you will see My splendor reflected in yours. Everything will be bright again, and you will feel My hands on your shoulders, and My love will fill your whole being which is the same as Mine.

You will know on what you lean.

You will know your Father's love.

You will know your place in the universe.

You will feel the tides of life.

You are the waves lifted by the Ocean.

You will know that the Ocean always buoys you.

You could not be without the Ocean beneath you.

And the Ocean wants its waves to play.

Take not so seriously the events of the world.

They are only events on the surface of the Ocean.

They do not affect the Ocean.

The waves go high and the waves go low, and the Ocean stays Ocean, unaltered, intact, and ever-reaching.

Be happy waves on My Ocean of Love.

Know who you are. Know you are of Me and for Me. Know you have work to do for Me, and do not protest. Protesting is futile. Be an accepter of My value of you and not a protester.


I am talking to everyone.

Awake to My love and avail yourself of it.

Chase the real rainbow.

Catch it.

It is yours.

For it is Mine, and I gave it thus to you.