God's Words Rather Than Interpretations

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, it seems so easy for me to see ego in others and not so much in myself, most of the time.


Because you are accustomed to projecting out.


Will we, will I, stop seeing ego in others when I have less myself?


You will see it as you see blue eyes or brown. You will just see it. It will just be something you see. You won't take on a crusade about it. You will see it but more as a little stone in the road. You will see it, but you won't see it big.

You may even enjoy someone's ego, for is not ego a funny thing really? A little huffing and puffing cartoon character, maybe smoking a cigar, and fooling no one? Ego is pretense. Ego assumes. Ego, which is always small because it knows its frailty, says: "I will inflate myself and act as if I am something, something special. I will act as if I know something. I will act like an operator, a wheeler-dealer, like I am big stuff. And I will make other people act as if they believe my act. I will strut and act as if I will never fizzle out and that no one will ever find me out."

Ego is not to be confused with sense of self-worth. Sense of self-worth needs no ego. Ego is a sham. Ego says, "I'm nothing. I know I'm nothing at all. But I will act like I'm something. I will don a cape of importance, and I will swirl it over my shoulder, and people will look at me and see that I am important."

Sense of self-worth sits in My light. It basks in My light. Sense of self-worth knows there is no act to follow this one, this one of you and Me sitting in My Light.

Sense of self-worth knows that is enough, knows it is plenty, knows it is what it is.

Being is strong. Acting-as-if is not strong.


I find I am not much interested in hearing someone's opinion or interpretation of what You say. I want to hear what You say and not what someone else's interpretation. And, yet, we all have to ponder what You say.


Why is that?


I don't know if we have to, but I know we do. It's not that we try to improve on Your words. It's that we want them to become ours. We want to have them become part of ourselves, get into our hearts.


Then memorize My words. Do not recast them.


We want to understand Your words.


Then understand them or not, but have them. Have My words and not your hemming and hawing about them. Have My words without your interpretation of them. Stamp My words on your heart, not an interpretation.


Would we Human beings even talk if we didn't have ego?


You would talk less.

You wouldn't have to talk so much.


Someone I know recently said something about how we always try to establish unity with another Human being, even in ordinary exchanges like Hi, how are you?


Unity is already established.

You try to confirm it.

You do not need to confirm what already is.

You have to confirm things that are not.

Who are you to confirm God's truth?

Yes, you would like to see it.

So, then, see it. It is there for you to see.

You do not need to confirm My truth.

Accept it.

Accept truth.

I give it to you.

Accept what I give.

And I give you My love.

What is there to talk about?

* * *

Nancy O. to Heavenletters:

Gloria, I couldn't understand yesterday's Heavenletter (October 27). What does it mean that a man icq'd you? Is that good or bad? Was this a dream or real?

I know you are fine, but I still have no idea what happened!

Gloria to Nancy O. and Heavenreaders:

ICQ is instant email. Sorry I didn't make it clear. It must be like Instant AOL. The interaction was all through the computer. A message from him popped up! That's all. I don't know who he is, and he doesn't know who I am. Actually he did tell me his first name. But you go by nicknames on ICQ. Mine is Heaven. I forget his. It's all innocent, Nancy. Of course, he wanted to exchange pictures because his incentive was not spiritual. We were opposites. He had come in from drinking with his friends! and I had just gotten up to Godwrite! Could we have been more opposite? But we were both glad to have someone to "talk to" at 3 a.m. "Talking" to him was a nice experience for me. Through it I saw the difference between my usual expecting and wanting and something having to be, and just accepting what was. I was neutral. It was hello and goodbye but kinda fun in between.

I should have made it clearer. It wasn't long ago that I didn't know what ICQ was. Sorry, Nancy. But thank you for telling me.

And thank you, Nancy, how you are always thinking of good for Heaven.