God's Idea

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 


Is knowing what our human hearts want the same as control? Is our personal wanting control?


You do not go against your heart when you follow Mine.

Follow My heart, and you are not measuring or controlling. You are being.

Walk with Me.

My Will is no more opposed to yours than My Will is opposed to the growth of a tree. A tree follows My Will and grows to the Sun. What more could a tree want than to spread its leafy arms to catch Me?

Your heart catches Me.

Your heart signals My presence.

Your heart welcomes Me.

Anything less than welcome for Me is not from your heart.

True remembrance is of Me.

Your heart can't go wrong with Me.

I mean Me. Not what you imagined I was, not what you may have learned, but Me. Acquaint yourself with Me, for I AM your deepest heart and your deepest truth.


I woke at 3 a.m. this morning, and someone from out of nowhere icq'd me. I had just gotten up, and this man had just gotten in! He asked me if I wanted his pic, and I asked him if he wanted a subscription to Heavenletters. We were both in our truths, I believe, dear God.


Yes, you were. You did not say, "Yes, send me your picture" when your heart cared not at all what he looked like. And he did not say, "Sure, send me a Heaven subscription" when that was not at all his wish. Neither tried to please the other. That was an honest exchange. Neither of you tried to make the other into something he was not and did not wish to be. Pure acceptance and goodbye. That was neutral.

Your heart was not set on something.

You let be.

It was not a question of what you wanted. You didn't even have time to think of what you wanted. Yes, it is good to not think of what you want. Think of freeing others. Worlds don't have to agree; worlds don't have to collide. This short exchange allowed an honest relationship. No judgment there, and that made it good. That was neutral. And was it fun?


Well, it was a surprise. And it was short. And, yes, it was fun. Not knowing what was coming next. And not expecting anything at all. Just finding out. Not preventing it, not dragging it out either. Just seeing it. Yes, that was fun.


That is how to have fun.

Excitement is not having fun. Fun isn't excitement.

Fun is just being. Fun is simply turning the corner and seeing what's there. No certain thing has to be there. Not even anything at all has to be there. Something and nothing can equally be enjoyed. That is how it is for Me. What do I not enjoy? Rain or shine, happiness is Mine, for I am the Father of My children, and I know their truth, even if they don't. I know Who they are and what they can be. I know what they are and I know My love for them. I am filled with love. I love. My children are My love revealed. My children are My love happening. My love burst forth into creation. And you are My creation. Think of it. I created you, and I created you in My image.

My idea took a form.

You were My idea, not your own.

We partner your body.

But We are irrespective of the physical, all of it.

We are really nothing at all to do with the physical.

The house you live in is not you.

No more is your body you.

Your body is just a body.

It is a mode of transportation, a clumsy one at that.

True transportation is of the heart.

We take flight in the heart.

The heart has wings.

Take wing, My hearts, and come to Me.

* * *

Diane to God:

In the October 27 Heavenletter, you said: "Put your mouth where your heart is." I believe my mouth would be closed much more of the time, to my benefit. Then, after I made the mouth/heart connection permanent, it might be open more, but with words of love rather than fear.

I like this visual of the mouth/heart connection.

Thank You, God.