The Difference Is Your Awareness
Your Best Friend longs for your awareness. You keep forgetting that I AM with you. You would say through thick and thin. I see no thick or thin. I see the light of you, and I am dazzled by the light of you.
You might say that I look into a mirror of My Self, and you would be quite right. What else could it mean that you are made in My image if I did not look at you and see My Self? My eyesight is very good.
The relative world your awareness lives in is a world of change. It is ever-changing. It slips through your fingers. The supreme world beyond the relative world does not change. It is as simple as that. My love does not go up and down, and your love, strange as it may seem, burns as brightly as well.
Now you see it, and now you don't, is the cry of the relative world. In the world of God, in this Kingdom of Heaven in which We are immersed together as One, the cry is: "Ah. This is beautiful." Our Oneness is ever Oneness. There is no addition, no subtraction.
Although there is really only the Kingdom of Heaven, the difference between the ever-changing relative world and the Changeless Kingdom of Heaven is your awareness. Your present awareness dominates the relative world in which you live. Sometimes the sun is simply in your eyes, and so you don't see the sun. Blinded, you don't see the sun, and yet, beloveds, you know the sun is there. The sun is right there. The sun is right here.
I am right here, and you are right here, and We are One. Right now Oneness is a word to you. Sometimes you almost get it, what Oneness is, and what it has to do with you, yet most of the time, you pass it by. I am more than with you. I am you, and yet you see Me not. That means you also don't see yourself. That means you downplay yourself, and you downplay Me.
Sometimes I am more like a pet you keep. You pat Me every now and then, yet most of the time, you leave Me out of the circumference of your life. "Nice God," you say. "Nice God," and yet you leave Me somewhere. Although I, God, AM with you, you go off without Me. It is as if you could leave Me behind, tied up in the yard. There is no way you can leave Me behind except in your mind.
You have such an absolute belief in the ever-changing physical world, and you have relative belief in the unchanging Absolute! Is this not so?
There is nowhere you go or stay without Me, and yet you leave Me behind.
You may have thought of Me as a Trickster, but who is the trickster, beloveds? Who tricks himself and goes about his business in the world as if I and the Reality of you do not exist? Who is fooling whom now? Not I, beloveds, not I.
And so there is a trick of the mind, and that is the relative world that you live in. You build castles in the sand that wash away when all the while you live in a true castle built on a foundation of everlasting love. If you concede that this may be the case, you may say that the castle is on a hill far away, and yet when you reside in the castle, what does a hill have to do with it? A hill is seen at a distance. In the same way, you see Me and the Reality of you as at a distance when there is no distance at all. This is the trick of the mind. It is a trick of the mind that you believe in distance and closeness when closeness alone is. It is a trick of the mind that you believe in parts when Oneness alone is.
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