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something is omitted, which is, nevertheless, somehow still there

Dear translators,

in one of the upcoming Heavenletters we, dear friends, will find the following paragraph ...

Every minute of the day, you are embarking on a new journey. You are not locked in. Don’t let yourself be. You are unlimited. You can reach the rainbows, and you can ride on them. You are greater right now than your present thinking may allow. You surpass your present thinking. You are here on Earth for wonders to perform.

I stopped at ... Don't let yourself be. And tried to give it some sense, some sense as a separated sentence, like, someone is entering my room right now, saying: "Don't let yourself be."... Hmm? What?

I shaked my head in disbelief, and, do you wonder?, I arrived at my mind. My mind has a strong tendency, when something is coming in, which does not make sense, to break forth and to see how it will use its strength, in order to evaluate its strength, evaluating itself, more and more. My mind does work out this by finding faults. "There has to be a typo." "Somebody had one ear closed when the words were heard." "You are right. So, look outside, where the error is coming from."

Dear friends, beloved Theophil, there is no error.
Nowhere. Except, I think and make it up, that there is one.
This is part of the humans' given Greatness - of course, it is not humans' given Greatness, it is Greatness Itself spreading and strewing upon the earth and world. Greatness discovering Greatness, revealing Greatness more and more.

Separated from the earlier sentences in this paragraph, my mind wandered, it strayed off, it meandered, with a meaningless-ness in mind, yes, even, it nearly lead astray another person in an email to Gloria, referring to this paragraph, some hours earlier.

Of course, if there are tendencies residing in my mind, to forget, to forget what is around me and to forget, that I am Knowledge Knowing and Expressing All of God, then Our Divine Guide will present us wonderful opportunities straight before our eyes, where I, fully and at top of the voice convinced, am expressing my assertion, that I am right and that here is nothing else around me which sheds another light on the scene. While forgetting what is or was around me ... like, sentences before and sentences afterwards, like, people, who do not like to be seen as somebody, who are erring, like, the sunshine on my PC keys, like, my beingness as a receiver of all sorts of different and of naturally revealing and helpful thoughts, and so on -- while forgetting I am a discoverer to be more and more a Knower..

Yes, nothing can be forgotten fully.
How much are we and how much were we delighted, how fully respected and doubtless we became, while we were discovered behind our timbers, bushes, walls, benches and huge persons or their wide clothes by our playfellows some douzens of years or of hours ago. It is so much pleasure, to be discovered by a seeming other, as the one who we really are. By a seeming other which we project to ourselves, to be.

Of course,
the sentence and context from above means ...
You are not locked in. Don't let yourself be locked in.

Besides the seeming fact while playing hide and seek, that we are locked in - there is a calling ... Do not let yourself be locked in. It is and was fulfilling the expectations of the game well enough, that we were recognizing that we are locked in our hide-out, pretending not beeing free. It is not necessary moreover, to let us be locked in ourselves in our farther areas of playing and fulfilling. There is no need to emphasize that we let us be locked in.
There is the joy of being recognized by me, by God and by you, Who I AM. Of course, You and I ARE not more or less than YOU and I or GOD. We all are discovering more and more Who We Are by discovering ourselves and by discovering you and you and you.

So, we did some job of translating.
At least, this - I mean, that we did some job of translating - is evident and is under our eyes.


Beloved Theophil, you are

Beloved Theophil, you are indeed a translator, and the thought process you describe is magnificent. What you wrote reminds me of Heavenletters, for your words go precisely from one sentence to another, each moving forward. I really like what you wrote. I feel like I understand the whole Heavenletter in a more refined way. Thank you so much.

I applaud you, dear translator and administrator. Brilliant.