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Heavenletter # 4494 Say, “God Bless Me.” : the world is ridden with guilt
Posted February 21st, 2013 by Anneke
Dear Gloria,
Could you please explain to me what is meant by the world is ridden...; did they get rid of the guilt or are they full of guilt?
Heavenletter #4494 Say, “God Bless Me.”
I will judge guilt as erroneous. I will judge sense of guilt as a kind of badge you wear. It might seem that half the world is ridden with guilt, and the other half has none. Half the world seems to have high standards and mighty conscience, and the other half’s conscience may have dwindled.
Thanks a lot,
from heart to heart,
problem solved
problem solved: guilt-ridden is obsessed with guilt (thnx Luus)
from heart to heart, namasté, Anneke
Beloved Anneke and Luus,
Beloved Anneke and Luus, well, you're both right, and yet...
Well, Anneke, when I read your comment on the notification to me, I thought: "Oh, gosh, Anneke is right." The word properly would be riddled -- riddled with guilt, the way a target might be riddled with bullets.
Although in English, we have the expression guilt-ridden, I am not confident that to say ridden with guilt is just right.
Then I came to your actual post and saw what you added. I think the line really would be "riddled with guilt."
You, of course, will know what to do with the translation.
I don't think this is anything serious, yet I will feel better to change ridden on the Heavenletter listing for translators to riddle. .
Please, beloved translators, post your questions or even suspicions on the forum. Your question could be someone else's as well.
With love and blessings,