Sleeping Beauty

God said:

There is a place in your heart reserved for Me. No matter who you are, there is that remarkable place in your heart reserved for Me. If you have longing in your heart, your longing is for Me. No matter what you believe you long for, your deepest longing is for Me.

You think from time to time that there is someone who fills that certain core of your heart, yet that is only practice, beloveds, preparation for when the True Occupant reigns. There is no substitute. Facsimiles, although enjoyed for the time they are enjoyed, are not the real thing. I am the One Who loves you as you desire to be loved, as you deserve to be loved. And when you know this with all the beats of your heart, you will have love to spare, and you will begin to emanate My love, ravish My love everywhere, fill all hearts with it.

When I am in your heart of hearts, and you know it, your heart does not waver. Your heart cannot fall from grace. It is truly your own heart you most crave to be constant. We were in love from the first moment I dreamed of you, and My love does not fade. You may forget Me from time to time, yet I never forget you, and My thoughts and My love reach you. They may lie dormant in you, yet they are there and only have to be awakened. I am awakening you now, Sleeping Beauty.

I am reminding you of the love that you already carry. It may have been tucked away in a corner of the suitcase of your heart. You may have to empty everything out before you find Our love shining. When you find Our love again in its fullness, then you can love others more. Of course you can. No longer are you dependent upon their love. No longer are you on welfare when it comes to love, for you have fullness of love, and you can pour it out without fear of loss. You will know you have all the love in the world and nothing to do but to give it out the way maidens in poetry used to strew wheat across the fields.

Whatever you do, it will be backed by love. Love will be your backbone. Your heart will circulate love, and you will give it away, all of it away, only to find more and more love rising from your heart. You will be rich in love, and that will make you the richest person on Earth. Next to the wealth of your love, dollars will seem paltry. On a scale of love, a million dollars weighs next to nothing. Love is the winner at every match. That means that everyone who has contact with you is a winner. Of course, anyone who has contact with Me is a winner, and everyone has contact with Me, for I am deep in every heart.

Now you will remember that I dwell in your heart, and that is exactly where I like to be. That is how I am instant, beloveds. I spend no time in travel, for I am everywhere at all times simultaneously, which means I am everywhere at once. There is no heart nor Being without surfeit of My love. Whatever you may think of someone, I think differently. I love everything, and nothing impresses Me but love itself. It doesn’t matter to Me what a child of Mine has done. I know his relationship to Me, and I know My love, and that My love will turn even cold hearts warm.

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thank you.. every day i'm

thank you..
every day i'm more besotted with heaven letters.. my heart sings as the words resonnate within and i'm dying with joy and excitement!

Tig, we just gotta have your

Tig, we just gotta have your comment on the web site under Reader Comments.
What is your real name so I can find out how to reach you? We also want a candid photo of you to go with comment. Will you kindly send post-haste?

God bless you!
With love, Gloria

3 Heavenletter Haikus for

3 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said heart of hearts
I am the One who loves you
My Sleeping Beauty

God said remember
That I dwell in your heart now
The True Occupant

God said Child of Mine
Your heart cannot fall from grace
Whatever you do

Love, Light and Aloha!

I love everything You may

I love everything

You may have to empty everything out before you find Our love shining. When you find Our love again in its fullness, then you can love others more. Of course you can. No longer are you dependent upon their love. No longer are you on welfare when it comes to love, for you have fullness of love, and you can pour it out without fear of loss.

Now you will remember that I dwell in your heart, and that is exactly where I like to be.

Each day I read Heaven

Each day I read Heaven letters and someone always comes to mind that it will be perfect for. So true today as well. To know that we are LOVE and can never lose it is a powerful thing to know. It powers us up to be all we can be in this life and allows compassion and understanding to drive our interactions with others and the world around us. Then we truly do make a difference!!!

Wonderfully expressed dear

Wonderfully expressed dear Doris ! Many thanks.

Are you the dear Doris I

Are you the dear Doris I know from Montana?

With love and blessings,


Pouring love...

I am reminding you of the love that you already carry. It may have been tucked away in a corner of the suitcase of your heart. You may have to empty everything out before you find Our love shining. When you find Our love again in its fullness, then you can love others more. Of course you can. No longer are you dependent upon their love. No longer are you on welfare when it comes to love, for you have fullness of love, and you can pour it out without fear of loss. You will know you have all the love in the world and nothing to do but to give it out the way maidens in poetry used to strew wheat across the fields.

This is so beautiful! And yet I can hear so many people feeling depleted of love or estranged from love or even unworthy of love or not even really knowing what love is.

So maybe these words may help: Just like an open meadow receives the first gentle rays of sunlight...we receive love from our creator. Every moment God is so, so so close...and showers us with the most gentle, caring love. So what part do we play to really know this, to really feel this? This is what I think: Most of us are so busy, so preoccupied with our agenda filled lives...with all of the myriad words from our minds...that we are conditioned not to hear...not to even notice...the gentle presence of the Divine. If this appears to be true for might consider taking a little break (even a few minuites) from the ordinary structure of how you do things...and how you perceive things. Take a little time out: relax and take a few deep breaths...and gently turn your attention to something wondrous...or beautiful...or awe inspiring. Just doing this...or even honestly intending to do it...opens up so much within our that the presence of love (which is ubiquitous anyway) becomes softly apparent. Love is very tender too. After you become aware of love, sharing and pouring love is automatic. Do you think you would like to try this?
If you have any questions or comments, let me know.

Loving and blessing you! Jim.

Jim, The Prescription Eyewear Specialist

Our Dear Jim,

I have noticed that in many of your comments AND God's Heavenletters, the beauty of Nature is pointed out as a tonic for what ails us AND an ever-sure way to snag that "gratitude consciousness" that maintains our balance and perspective.

I have noticed this so much, that it is taking it's toll on my BRAIN. Duh!!

Thanks for being one to keep us aware of our Creator,

The beauty of nature...

Oh yes...the appreciation of beauty in nature can be a sublime portal into the heart. And are our bodies separated from nature? No. Notice the swaying of tree boughs and the fluttering of leaves. Then notice the graceful bending and turning of our own limbs...and the fluttering of hair and eye lashes. Are we less beautiful and somehow less adorable...less lovable than other areas of creation? Sometimes, when I look into the mirror, into and through the depth and beauty and wonder of my own brown eyes, I pause...and fill my lungs with the love that comes through. Love is indeed ubiquitous...and in any direction we turn, it is be noticed, to be savored, to be appreciated and to be received. And of course, in turn, our hearts reciprocate!

Love and blessings to you Bonnie, Jim.

If you have longing in your

If you have longing in your heart, your longing is for Me.
No matter what you believe you long for, your deepest longing is for Me.
I am the One Who loves you as you desire to be loved, as you deserve to be loved.
We were in love from the first moment I dreamed of you, and My love does not fade.
I am awakening you now, Sleeping Beauty.

God's love is breathtaking, amazing !


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