the Seyfert active galaxy
This spiral is known to be a Seyfert 2 active galaxy, a type of galaxy that is probably powered by a black hole residing in its core. The core of NGC 7742 is the large yellow "yolk" in the center of the image. The lumpy, thick ring around this core is an area of active starbirth. The ring is about 3,000 light-years from the core. Tightly wound spiral arms also are faintly visible. Surrounding the inner ring is a wispy band of material, which is probably the remains of a once very active stellar breeding ground. It is 72 million light-years from Earth. The entire visible galaxy is 36,000 light-years across.
There is something so
There is something so wonderful about looking at these photos. I imagine such photos strengthen our DNA.
Thank you so so much for posting them, Nomvula.