Amazing what God says about DNA
I'm putting together a blog entry about what God says about DNA. Mostly, I'm taking excerpts. But this Heavenletter, found by Annette, Heaven's archivist, has to be included in its entirety, and I thought this might be the place for it. The blog entry should be up today, and for more on God's take on DNA, I refer you to
HEAVEN #1108 Your DNA November 3, 2003
God said:
You are performing a study of life. You research it. Your questions are rampant. The answers you find have been mixed.
Now consider life a neatly folded piece of beautiful cloth. It is folded accordion-style. As you pull, each lap of cloth unfolds, one after the other, ever unfolding. Infinite is this cloth. The colors and patterns change. Every now and then, a wrinkle appears, but it is the same cloth unfolding, rippling as it were. Let the rippling delight you. Perhaps the next turn is the most magnificent of all.
Consider the unfolding of this magic cloth as magnificent. Is it not?
Isn't everyone's life magic? Who could have foretold the intricacy of anyone's story? Who could have imagined how one life would unfold and yet materially join with all the others? Who could have conceived the big picture? Who the details?
Your life is contained within your DNA. Your life may have been mapped out, but it is not set. There is no stalemate. There is room for growth. What you are is inviolable, but your DNA is malleable. Authored by thought, it is affected by your thoughts. As your vision broadens, your code is smoothed out, perhaps altered. Your self-realization is found within your DNA.
A guarantee comes encoded within your DNA. The guarantee is that your code is not fixed. The guarantee is that you will blossom forth and be what you design to be. Your designation may vary. What does not vary is the guarantee, signed in My Name, that says you will become Self-realized.
Sure, your DNA may be a map, and it has wavy lines and tiny print in it, but it is also a map of something. It is a map of Divinity enclosed in a Human body. By your intent, you foster the unveiling of your divinity. You free it. All the means for this are reflected in every cell of the physical body. But the release of your divinity comes through your heart, your heart, your beautiful beating heart.
Within your heart lies the release button. Within your cellular structure lies the code.
Consider the code an echo. The echo is heard clearly in one place and more muffled in another. Clear the path for your DNA.
Your DNA is definitely subject to change. It would be more accurate to say a clearing. This would be like a clearing or rebuilding or reinforcing. Letting go of the past complexion of your thinking is letting go of the sludge of your past DNA, from all the pasts. When you let go of the past, your DNA automatically surges forward. Your DNA follows the paths you make in your mind. There is a mutual exchange here. Your DNA affects you, and you affect it.
Within your cells is what would be called an empty space. But it is not empty but full. It is full of all your possibilities, and it is full of Me.
It is a battery charged. Fully charged. A battery provides energy, according to the use it is put to. The energy that I gave you is cyclotronic. To what use do you put it?
Your thoughts activate your heart. Your heart sends your messages inward and outward in one surge.
Draw to your heart the thoughts you want. Do not proclaim to be innocent of the nature of your thoughts. They are your thoughts. They follow your will. You are the initiator of your thoughts. No matter how it seems to you, you are the founder of your thoughts. Certainly, you are the one who keeps them or lets them go.
Let go of the shades of past thought, and your DNA will leap into a new configuration joyously.