Serve God Only

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, would You clarify selfish and unselfish? I'm still having a hard time with it.


Let's make it simple.

When your ego is involved, it is selfishness. No matter how much you are doing for others, that is selfishness. If it makes you feel bigger, more worthy, be alert to your selfishness. If giving makes you a great giver, a great unselfish one, it is selfish.

Jesus never thought: "Wow, look at all I am doing for so many and for years to come."

His thoughts were on Me. He was not thinking selfish or unselfish. He was thinking what to do for Me.

He kept himself distinct from his acts. It was not, "I, Christ am doing this." It was not even, "I, Christ, am doing this for God." It was more like: "God, what would You like me to do for you now?"

And he would go the way I said.

As he was crucified, he did not think: "What a sacrificer I am! I give my life. I am sure wonderful. I hope people appreciate what I am doing."

His thoughts were on Me.

It is that simple.

All of his life was a gift to Me.

All of his life was service to Me. He served many people on earth, but he did not think or feel: "Oh, all these suffering people. I have to help them." He knew I was the Helper.

He was thinking, "I will do whatever God asks." His attention was on Me, not on the suffering and what he could do for the sufferers.

Had he put his own energy on the suffering souls, he would have accomplished much less. He would have worn himself out. He would have been more of a straggler than a leader. A spiritual leader does not bounce off everyone else's suffering. A spiritual leader especially has to bounce off of Me.

If you feel urgency, where you feel at this very minute, you must respond to an individual's emotional suffering, you are forgetting Me and getting caught in their need, and that pulls you down. In a way, you have become their window shade. They pull your heart strings, and you drop everything, forgetting your own needs and Mine. You, personally, cannot fill anyone's need. You can only waste your energy. It is that simple.

If you think, "I must do this for this one, and I must do that for that one", where am I?

Consult with Me.

Is your time and attention better spent on answering urgent emails, for example, or on doing my work?

We come back to neutrality, time and time again.

What Human Being loved more than Christ did? But he was not emotionally involved, dear ones. He did not have to clutch his heart. He went about My business. It wasn't his business.

Heavenletters is not yours, Gloria. It is Mine. And all the responsibility is Mine. Heavenreaders don't need anything from you. They need from Me. I am theirs; they are not yours.

Put your time and attention on Heaven, on Me, and I will take care of Heavenreaders. They are Mine, not yours.

And as for you, dear Gloria, look not for Heavenreaders to fill your needs. It is ego alone that needs anyway.

You still want to know that your individuality exists. I thought We were trying to eliminate your ego, not add to it.

Take more time for yourself. Get your house in order. Tend your roses. Yes, I tell you to tend your roses. And I will tend for you, dear Gloria, and all Heavenreaders and all non-Heavenreaders.

If you are the lambs of the fold, it is your responsibility to frolic on the grass. Lambs go where I direct them, and that is how I am served.

Go high. Stay high. Stay with Me. Worry about Me if you must worry. Impossible, isn't it, to worry about Me? That is a good reason to stay with Me. Stay in My range. Other people's emotions and troubles can be pitfalls for you. Don't jump into pitfalls. Refer everyone to Me. That is your job. I will do the pulling up.