Messages from God Are for Everyone

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

N.S. to Heavenletters:

I am much involved in the teachings of The Kabbalah which is inner guidance work, evolving the Self, and we realize that this work is done with our guides, angels, and connection to divine Source. This year, working thus, I have seen much change in my life and surely a greater faith as to walking with God.

One of the teachings is very much in line with Heavenletters: that we need to create a sacred space for God to join us. Just as in the words from God to Steve August 19, when He said we must create a space and give God our awareness and appreciation and gratitude for what is possible for us.

There really is this awareness of Thy will be done, vs. our will separate from God's. We yearn for God while our chatter keeps us from the reality that there is guidance all around us. We often are like children, asking, asking, for ourselves what we want, as Steve did, when what we need is to become adults and ask God, what may we do for You?

I wrote a poem once that ended: The Holy One is waiting, Go out now and embrace!

Like Heaven's wonderful messages, God waits for us to listen and begin. God's plea to us in the Hebrew is Hineni! I am here!

Gloria to God:

Dear God, so many times in Heavenletters you have said, "I am here. I am here." And now I find out that You have been saying that in Hebrew for many years.


What I say now I have always said. I have said it in every language, old or modern. What do you think My cry is but that? I long for your attention. I do everything I can think of to gain your attention.


Dear God, I am happy when I learn that a tradition confirms what You say in Heavenletters. Of course, I am. I also realize how my faith in what You say in Heavenletters has grown, because I start to feel, for example, that Heavenletters confirms Judaism!


I confirm. You need not. Neither confirm nor disaffirm. Comparisons are not your place. I am Supreme. I am everywhere. Judge Me not wherever and however I appear.


I'll be careful about that, God.

That same lady wrote that I channel Your words. I am not comfortable with that word.


Channel is just a word. You hear My love which is My wisdom. The only wisdom is Mine. Any wisdom a child of Mine possesses — it is Mine. But it is your wisdom, Gloria, that sits down to receive My words.


Dear God, there was much more in that lady's email that I did not print here, about the deeper meanings of holidays and the parting of the Red Sea and so on. It was beautiful, and I felt ignorant. I love to learn what something really means and the deeper meanings, and, and at the same time, traditions and passed on knowledge seem far away from Me, dear God, and I back away a little and keep them at a distance. But You, right now, feel close to Me.


That is what all the traditions describe. Closeness to Me. A description is a description. A description of what you already have is not the same as what you have. A description helps you know it when you see it, like a map. The description, no matter how accurate, can take you only so far. Whatever the particular description one carries, he himself has to walk to Me, that tiny step just between a heartbeat, that he must walk himself.


A subscriber to Heaven recently emailed that it is hard for him to believe it is You, God, in Heavenletters, because he had a Roman Catholic upbringing and almost became a priest. He reads Heavenletters, but he feels he cannot ask a question of You here because he fears he would be disavowing his Roman Catholic beliefs and perhaps become an infidel. So I ask You about this on his behalf.


Oh, the world complicates.

I reside in the heart. In each heart. I reside in his. What more is there to say?

He can ask Me in his own heart.

No one needs to be afraid of My answers.

I think My children are often afraid to let go of their own.

For, oh, My, My children have all kinds of answers and want to keep them.

Asking a question to Me is like kneeling.

By all means, ask Me questions. Give Me an extra opportunity to bless you with your awareness as part of My blessing. I really am not some Great Big Unknown out there. I am a Great Big Known inside you. Sometimes you don't dare peek in.


These moments with You are exquisite. I am so grateful. I almost feel that reading other knowledge will part me from you. But at the same time, sometimes I read or hear accounts of people who have found You, dear God, and they are forever lit up. Something spectacular has happened, and they stay high. That is not quite true for me.


Then you must have your eyes closed or be looking in the wrong places or you just cannot trust your own heart. You are still seeking what you have already found. That's all right. It doesn't matter so much what you think or what you know. I matter. And I am what matters to you. That is enough. That is good enough. You don't have to have spectacular awareness or become spectacular. It is better you don't. Quietly stay in My heart where you belong.

Now I want to say something about the messages I give. All the messages I give, there is something for everyone. There is a specific message for everyone in every message. The particular emphasis may vary from one to another, but every message is for every Heavenreader. No one is above My answers, and no one is less, else you would be separate from Me. My messages are not obscure. They level everyone.

You who read this, it is your eyes I look into. Be glad. It is true, you are My perfect child, but you are not done yet. There is much to learn. You are beginning. You are on your way. You are never done. Do you think that Christ thought he was something special? He thought I was special. Do you think he thought he knew anything but Me?