God Saves

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Continuation of Tina's question…

Tina to God:

Dear God, You lovingly refer to me as a fledgling angel. I feel that I would like to be ordained as Your priestess or minister. This simple thing would serve to minimize my tendencies to worry about explaining my free lifestyle.

Somehow, stating the ministry as my profession seems to place my heart solidly below my head in the flowchart of how my adult life is organized. It seems to justify this; to free me so that the expression of my innocence and my lack of agenda fits in the image of an adult role.

Would You please tell us how you would define an ordained minister? I want to fly up from a fledgling to a minister. Will You be ordaining us through Heaven Ministries if we request it?

My life has been so deeply and wondrously enriched by choosing the name Web-Walker. I can sense that declaring myself a Godsend is going to be very powerful. I'd like to be ordained into your ministry so that I may declare that as well, as Gloria does. I can sense how we truly open doors when we open our hearts and minds to our true identities, allowing earthly concerns to fall into place as You weave the grand design.

Am I really starting to integrate what You are teaching in Heavenletters? Or am I deluded and entranced by childish fantasies?

God to Tina:

My loving daughter, you do not ordain yourself as a minister to justify your lifestyle. You do not ordain yourself as a minister to put your head and heart somewhere. You do not ordain yourself in order to express innocence and lack of agenda. Ordination is a record of what has already happened. It is not an initiation into something.

It is so vital that innocently you said all you did. I have been longing for an opportunity to say what you have opened the door for Me to say. Feel not chagrined. It adds much to you and Heavenreaders to hear My words. And if I did give points to My children's questions, you would rank high. Be glad you opened your heart on the pages of Heavenletters for all to see. My children do not have to be perfect in their questions. Do you understand what I am saying, fledgling angel?

Yesterday I referred to your love of words. You love the word priestess. You love it more than minister. Words catch you, dear Tina, and spin you around. Be alert to the power that words hold for you. What you are to Me has no words. Listen to My words and not your own and not others'.

Heaven Ministry can ordain ministers if Gloria finds out how to do it. Remember, the paper is a world thing. It is a note of record for what has already transpired.

Now about Godsend, dear Tina. It may be good to consider the gifts you give as the Godsends. You are truly a Godsend, but think of yourself as My child. Consider the gifts from Me you make with your hands, the service you give for Me, as Godsends.

Now here is something else I want to say, and it applies to many. It is clear to you all by now that you scrape away your ego. You know already that you are not the Great All-Doer. You are a simple minister.

What needs your attention, however, is that you minister for Me to Me. Keep your attention on Me and not on those to whom you minister to on My behalf. Your responsibility is to Me, no other. For example, in the Heaven Prison Project, do it, but do not get caught up in saving the prisoners. That is not your bailiwick. That is Mine.

By the same token, Gloria needs to remember that Heavenreaders are not her responsibility. She needs to keep her attention on Heaven work for Me, not for anyone else. I am everyone's God. Everyone has Me. You are not saving anyone. So prisoners and Heavenreaders get turned over to Me. Write to prisoners, but know your place. Otherwise, you encourage their ego-involvement and yours.

And, dear Tina, yes, you are definitely integrating My love to you in Heavenletters, and, yes, you sometimes get carried away.

And through it all, you are ever My child, My companion, My love.