God Is More Than Words

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Tina to God:

Thank You, dear God, for the October 17 Heavenletter. Joy is sweeping me off my feet.

After I jump out of the nest of reason often enough by diving into pure joy this way (and read in Heaven about others doing likewise), I might lose my fear of flying. It feels so wondrous to release worry!

Are You declaring that, in Heaven Ministries and for all Your children, the yoke is easy and the burden is light? Do we blow ourselves out of the context of Paradise by tuning our ear to the nagging, worrisome, judgmental voice of reason and control?

God to Tina:

What could be easier than to be with Me?

That is what My children come to find out.

All the flutter of the world is minor next to Me.

Unless you consider Our bondedness of love as a yoke and Our light as a burden, there is no yoke and there is no burden. Heaviness is a concept of the mind.

Dear Tina, needing to justify is a form of control. Needing to validate. Needing reinforcement. Needing love. Needing permission, even that is a form of control. Needing is a form of control. Sense of need tightens. Sense of not needing loosens. Even wanting is a form of control.

Have light desire. Easy desire. An awareness of direction to move in, that is desire.

Nancy O.'s question yesterday in essence was: How much do we follow our reason and how much do we follow our heart?

I do not tell My children to ignore all reason.

Yet following one's heart in terms of the world can often be tinged with ego.

I say, Don't follow ego.

I say, Follow Me.

I don't say, Ignore all reason. But what you call reason is not always reason. It may be old messages from the past. It may be your parents' thinking or the world's. It may not be yours, yet you follow it. You may not know what your reason is. Find out.

You are entitled to use your head.

Now, of course, Tina, you know I was not telling you to spend money however you feel like it whenever you feel like it. Sometimes be frivolous. Sometimes. That goes for everything. The distinction between reason and control and freedom and love is not so simple in the world for My children.

Even those of you who listen to My heart are not always certain which turn to take.

So you have to become simple, not complicated.

Watch out for words, Tina, because you can get caught in words. Be without words for a while. Be in the silence beyond the words. Be in the silence of My heart where words are not. From that silence wells up your direction to go in.

Because of space, I am printing only a small part of Tina's next question. The rest of it will appear tomorrow. — Gloria

Tina to God:

Dear God, it appears in Heaven that, with the recent name change to Heaven Ministries, You have ordained Gloria.

Recently Diane realized that she qualified for ordination. She jumped at the chance and did it.

God to Tina:

Tina, fledgling angel, Gloria has appointed herself without knowing it.

You rise to certain responsibilities or privilege, and you are risen to them.

You climb a mountain. You do not have to say, as you climb, "I am climbing a mountain. I am a mountain-climber." Probably you are too busy climbing the mountain to call yourself anything. When you reach a certain plateau in the mountain, you might think you are at the top, although the mountain I speak of has no top. It keeps going. But when you reach the so-called top, it was just another step. All you did was take one more step.

When you climb down the mountain, and you want to do certain things in the world, as does My minister Diane, a piece of paper with your name on it makes you legitimate in the eyes of the world. The piece of paper was not your climbing the mountain. The piece of paper is an attestment to your climb. It pronounces your climb.

The paper gives you authority in the world. Only in the world, dear Tina. The piece of paper is not from Me.

We could say this. Each child of Mine as born is given the rights and privileges of minister. There is not one of you is not My minister. How you minister and what you minister is your search and your indoctrination.

It is like this: A seamstress sews a beautiful dress. It is complete and very beautiful. Only when every stitch has been sewn does the seamstress then add the label to the dress she has made. The label did not complete the dress. The dress was complete without the label.

My children all were complete when born. Their life is a hunt for their identity. The identity is much more than a label.