
Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Dear God, I'm still not all clear on selfish/unselfish. I guess I've been taught it's good to be unselfish. I suppose that is what we've all been taught, and doesn't the Bible teach that?


Interpretations of the Bible teach that.

Most people are selfish.

But it is not unselfish to put someone else's selfishness ahead of yours. What someone else wants is what they want. It does not have to be what you want. When it is what you want, there is no thought of concession or unselfishness.

When your daughter was a baby, you nursed her. It was your pleasure. You were not being unselfish or selfish. It was your joy. It was where you were. She needed, and you wanted. It was never a thought not to take care of her.

Compare unselfish to brave for a moment. When someone rushes into a fire to save another, he most likely is not thinking: "I will be brave and rush to save this person."

He probably is thinking, if it becomes thought at all, "That person is in trouble." And he is there, saving the other person.

Just so with unselfishness. If you do an act so you will consider yourself unselfish, or so someone else will, or because you would not want to be considered selfish, where is the unselfishness? Selfish is ego. You do not have to inflate your ego by conceding to something for reasons other than a full heart.

Listen to the prayers you make.


God, can there be unselfish prayer?


Pray to know My Will and to follow it.

Be not self-centered nor self-consumed.

Be not other-centered either, or other-consumed.

Be consumed with Me.

Be greatness.

Reveal Mine.

Be a spark of joy.

Enrich yourself.

Be in joy, and enrich others.


That is neither selfish nor unselfish.

The fact is you can only give to yourself.

But you have to know that.

Your heart has to know that.

Then acts are in accord with My will.

In that way, We could call giving the ultimate selfishness. It is not denying your view of life or any urge to give that comes from it. It is not denying yourself at all.

Share yourself. But do not dip into yourself. Share Me.

Do for Me. It is not enough to do for others.

Do because your heart wants.

Smile because that is what you want more than to frown.


Even when your heart is hurt, you wish to smile upon another as a token from Me.

What we are talking here is consciousness.

There are levels of awareness.

It is one thing to assume to be at one level, and another to be at it.


Dear God, wouldn't it be better to even assume an act of unselfishness than not to?


When Jesus was arrested, his thoughts were not: "Oh, my people need me. I must be unselfish and think of what they want." No, he was thinking of Me. He was not self-centered. He was not other-centered. He was God-centered.

What I am trying to say is: Do not even think in terms of selfish or unselfish. Think in terms of true. You can look back and see selfish or unselfish, and that is an evaluation. As you live life, do not evaluate it. Anything that is not from Me is not true, regardless of selfish or unselfish. Remember a neutral heart. It is not indifferent. It is not hurting from others' pain either. It doesn't get stuck, and it doesn't stick others to it. It is a free heart, always with Me.

I am neutral. I am Love. I am Wisdom. I do not take away from Myself in order to give to you. It is My Will to give. And I give. What do I take? What can I take? All is Mine.

Love is not a thought.

Love is not an action.

Love is truth. It is wide vision. It is a wide embrace, not a narrow one.

Be in Love.

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Tahmi to Heavenletters:

It was really cool to have two weeks' worth of Heaven to read all at once when I got back from my vacation! There were a lot of really powerful ones while I was gone!

Polly to Heavenletters:

Thank you for the question on Selfishness yesterday, October 22. I wish the world could read God's answer all at once and live by it. What a wonderful world it would be.

Judith to Heavenletters:

I have taken God's advice. Do you remember He said that it is the greatest 'sin' that we do not ask for enough? I am becoming more proactive about getting what I want, but realizing that getting what I want is arranged at the deepest level of consciousness, not at the periphery.

I feel connected to God in an abstract sort of way. I am listening more when thoughts come into my head instead of discounting and censoring them. I find that paying attention to these thoughts is very satisfying. Sometimes I ask questions and have a dialogue. I can't really recall these thoughts but feel a deep sense of completion and wholeness anyway. I don't seem to need the intellectual remembrance where the thoughts get all chopped up into duality anyway.

I have set myself another goal, which is, that I have always wanted to set up a clay studio and fire pots at home in a small kiln. I have put this off for such a long time. It's not good to ignore one's creative desires — they are like children — just crying and crying for attention!

I hope you are enjoying this very lovely autumn. How can we not enjoy these magnificent days one after another?

Thank You, God, for each and every moment.