Be in the Back of the Boat

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Tina to God:

Dear God, John M's question in the 9-8-00 Heavenletter raises a question.

Would You please shed some of Your light on the subject of: "… when two or three are gathered together… "? I doubt that there is a one among us who has not experienced the truth of this phenomenon.

Maybe that is what Diane was referring to when she glorified the experience of singing with a group at the retreat she went to. Is this why a Godshop might feel more powerful than individual Godwriting? There is definitely some element of getting high that seems to go along with a collective experience of passing Your love and creative energies around. There is a special wonderment and a power about beholding Your presence/presents with others and witnessing the magnificence of divine diversity.

The dialogue between You and Diane about humility also in the 9-8-00 Heavenletter, and Your comment to me that I should "… do more service for You in the back of the boat… " — these raise more questions.

God to Tina:

Hello, My dear Asker of Questions.

A mirror reflects light. Several mirrors reflect more light. In the brighter light, My children see My reflection within themselves more brightly. They feel their own Oneness with Me more clearly. There is, after all, only you and I. There isn't anything else. But We love the bouncing of Our light as it sparkles from one imagined other to another and back to Us. It is a little game of reflected light We play.

True sharing is waves of Our love emanated, and these waves swim over Us, and We are refreshed. The waves of love and light We give can only come back.

"When two or three are gathered in My Name… " — those are words. Hundreds and thousands can gather in My Name, but that does not necessarily mean in awareness of Me. It does not necessarily mean in awareness of seeking Me. It can be an assemblage that goes through motions and whose attention is elsewhere than on My Will. The meeting may have been called in My Name, and yet, perhaps, it was not I Who called it or Who is the reigning star.

You cannot go through motions in Godwriting. You allow yourself to contact Me. You can't fake it.

Now, the actual Godwriting in a Godshop may or may not feel more powerful than individual Godwriting. What does feel more powerful is the alacrity of sharing. Instant sharing.

For some, Godwriting feels stronger in a group doing the same thing at the same time in the same place. For some it is easier. The group presence certainly sanctions it. It gives you a proclivity or discipline. You're not going to pop up and make a telephone call. You are going to sit there and open your notebook. You are not the only one dipping your ladle into the Soup. Ten ladles are dipping in, and ten ladles sparkle.

But don't forget that it is only you who can contact Me yourself. Others can't do it for you. Others can stimulate you and help you to see the practice as an ordinary phenomenon, but it is always you and I, you and I.

Now, people can get swept up. The waves of love can cascade them high. You can feel high on love of Me. Remember this: it is the love of Me you want, not the high. You are not seeking a high. You are seeking the love of Me. You are seeking High Love, pure love.

Pure love is neutral. It is not love attached to one person or another or even a gathering. It is not love attached to success. It is love. It is pure love for Me that washes back and forth. It is not high tide and low tide. It is even, not attempt at evenness or pretense of evenness, but pureness of love.

High and low are of ego. Humility really means away from ego, not low ego. We will speak more of this when We get to your next question.

The image of you in the back of the boat is symbolic of letting Me steer, letting Me do the work. If you row in the front of the boat, you work hard. You wondered if you were to get out there and do more service in the front of the boat or sit back and let Me.

Tina, you are not to run around more with the idea of helping this one or that. Sit back in the boat and help Me. Have attention on serving Me more than on serving others. This is not to say that you do not continue to help others. It is to say that your purpose is to help Me. This will keep you from running ragged, doing too much from your own energy, and not enough from Mine. Sit back. Use My energy, dear Tina. I am, after all, the only one Who accomplishes.

More on this tomorrow, beloved Tina.