Be Not a Rock Star

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Tina to Heavenletters:

I woke up this morning feeling shy and exposed about my question and posings on masterpieces and Godsends. I suppose all of us have gone through this: exposing our heart and then having our mind wonder what everyone else will think of us. But I know what my heart and spirit feel like when I benefit from the questions of others, and I thank God for Heaven. It's high time there was a daily news for hearts and souls!

Love and Light.

Tina to God:

Dear God, I am still trying to come into focus about how to word the tags on the Godsends I create through my hands (jewelry or flower arrangements, or writings). I wish to have my name on them for obvious business reasons. Somehow, "A Godsend by Web-Walker", feels funny to me. Can You explain my resistance to me?

God to Tina:

Have your tag say "Godsends". Leave off "by Web-Walker" then. At the bottom, simply have your name and whatever other information you want. Make it simple, dear Tina.

You are picking up on something. You would not say, "God's Creations by Web-Walker"! Let the word "Godsends" stand on its own. Very good, Tina.

Godsends is a name given to your product. That is all. If you made little dolls and called them Love, you are not claiming that you are the originator of love. You are saying you are simply the maker of the dolls that you have given the product name of Love to.


I don't feel funny about someone saying a book is by the author dialoguing with You. In the written word, it is easy to put the spotlight on You. With a painting by the painter or a work by a composer, I guess the beholder can naturally feel whether or not the human was allowing Your glory to shine through them. Many books seem as though You are behind them even when You don't get bylines in the text.


You are complicating it, Tina. It is beautiful when you say, "… the human was allowing Your glory to shine through them." That is enough. Stop analyzing, dear Tina. Stop trying to figure out so much. Sit in the back of the boat.


I see that all masterpieces are given by those who are masters at allowing Your grace. I am getting better and better at allowing joy and innocence to pass through me while I celebrate Your presence. I desire to give You credit, but I wilt at the thought of pretending that I am offering a masterpiece. I can know in my heart of hearts that it is a masterpiece in the sense that it was truly inspired and everything about the experience felt divine.

Are You suggesting that we all start crediting You when we have this divine feeling about a particular expression?


More complicating, dear Tina. More intellectualizing. You must stop this.

You are juggling balls on the bottom of your feet.

Credit Me. That's all.


I guess that by getting to the heart of my own question, I am clearly exposing the source of my resistance. I can realize that You are working through me and that seems like humility. But if I go the next step and tell someone else that I have invited You to express through me, that seems extremely presumptuous. If it is the most natural and constant truth that You are always at the core of our being, why does it feel so wrong to state this at times when we have been blessed by a conscious awareness that we couldn't possibly have done something without a power boost from You? Why does it feel like the opposite of humility?


It is a reverse humility when My children say they are not good enough for Me. Knowing your worth is neither humble nor proud. It is knowing your worth and My worth.

Just know that I work through all of My children. It is simple, dear Tina.


How did we ever get the impression that You only work through specially selected humans every few thousand years — like Jesus or Moses?



Also, it is known that Jesus and Moses loved Me very much. They stepped out of their egos and walked into Me. They had less concern with themselves.


I want nothing more than to use Your name without feeling self-conscious. Maybe it is just like everything in relative life. Maybe it just takes practice. But, as with Your patience and persistence in Heavenletters chipping away at our issues of control, I invite You to keep nudging me over the threshold of using Your name.


Use My name unselfconsciously. Do not struggle so, dear Tina.


I get confused when it comes to exactly the sort of humility Diane refers to when You replied: "Many take credit for My work. But you will not."


My statement to Diane refers to those who forget their place with Me. There are healers, for instance, who like to take credit for the healing. They come to believe that they are the Healer. Now, it is not that I need the credit. It is that the healer needs to give Me credit for his sake and for those who come to him.

I would compare some healers to rock stars, to some rock stars. Rock stars give full value, but when they believe in the adoration of their audiences, they may do a disservice to their adorers. They may encourage the attachment their audience has for them and even take advantage. But, in any case, it is all mirage.

I advise healers, ministers, and so on not to be rock stars. That is all I mean. Diane understands.

And, Tina, My love, simplify.

* * *

Jon to Heavenletters:

Sometimes questioners have questions within questions, one question on top of another, and I'm not sure all the questions get answered, or that I follow them.