Seeking God
Diane to God:
Dear God, in your response July 19 to Judith, you said: "Seek Me more than you seek knowledge and understanding of Me".
I feel like I learned a good way to find You in me. I spent much of my week at the Institute I went to recently in singing and movement, and that brought me a high that feels very close to You. Since returning home I have been singing and dancing my day, and it is delightful.
God to Diane:
Each of My children seeks joy with My blessing. And each seeks in their own way. Beloved Diane, I think My words to Judith appeared to you in a way that wasn't what I meant to impart.
Although I am everywhere and can be found anywhere, and I am outward as well as inward, I am carried within you. It is not an activity that brings Me to you. The outside does not bring Me to you. I am not a high, dear Diane. A high will not sustain you. I will sustain you.
I am not to be tracked down.
Seeking Me is receptivity to Me.
A safari doesn't find God. Although even in a safari, I can be found, it is not the safari that causes Me to appear and awakens you to Me.
There are those who "see" Me in nature. They see Me in a tree. And it is true. But the tree did not bring them to Me. I cannot tell My children: "Go out into the woods, look at a tree, and you will find Me." I can say I am there; I can say I can be found there; but I cannot say that by looking at a tree you will find Me.
Usually I come unbidden.
Often I appear when you are not looking.
Effort to have Me most often blocks awareness of Me rather than hastening it.
Why is that? It is because I am not a controlled substance. I am not in your control. I am in your awareness.
In My message to Judith, I meant to say that perhaps there are those who want to know all about Me, but that search for knowledge of Me may be a diversion from Me. Perhaps an individual is hesitant to face Me directly, so they accumulate a library of Me in their mind that becomes a kind of camouflage or moat to keep Me at a distance so they can maintain their old beliefs. Even seeking ways to Me is not quite the same as seeking Me. I appear to You, not because of an action of yours or an accumulation of knowledge, but because I appear to you.
What I am saying here is to be innocent.
Be unknowing.
Be like the child.
Jesus was an innocent receiver of Me and My knowledge.
And he was an innocent giver of Me.
What is required to know Me? Remember, knowing Me is different from knowledge of Me. What is required to know Me? Nothing is required.
I am knowable.
Be open for Me. Keep your eye on Me. But don't expect Me to come in a certain way. There is no trick to finding Me. There is no hard way. There is no certain way. There are not rules about finding Me. And yet it is easy to find Me. In the stillness of your heart, you will find Me.
If I were going to give you specific instruction on how to find Me, I would say: Let Me appear.
There is nothing I want more than to have you see Me, know Me, love Me.
And know then in your heart that I will appear. You just don't know exactly when. There is no printed train schedule. And you know there is not a button for you to push to cause My appearance. We have an appointment, you and I, and you show up and wait at the train station. There is no uncertainty that I will arrive. It is certain I will arrive. You just don't know when.
But do not pace the floors for Me. Do not keep looking at the clock.
You can have confidence in Me that I will come.
After a while, you begin to suspect that I am already there, but perhaps you were turned in the wrong direction. You were waiting for Me to come through a certain entrance, and I came in another. You turn around, and there I am. You see Me. I was sitting there all the time waiting for you, but you looked past me. Perhaps you were looking in the distance, and I was too close for you to see.
You will recognize Me. Your heart will recognize Me. And your heart will say: "Ah, that is You. All the time, that was You."