Finding God
Diane to God:
Dear God, Your letter yesterday, August 11, was the first letter from You I have received in which I feel misunderstood. I am not saying that I sing and dance to find You. I am not exerting effort to find You. I am moving in whatever direction brings me joy. And when I feel joy I feel Oneness. When I feel joy, I feel innocence. When I feel joy I feel like the child. I feel receptive to You when I feel joy and innocence and pain and suffering and neutral. Do You have a better suggestion than putting our attention on what feels good? Confused by Your response.
God to Diane:
My child, yes, find joy in what brings you joy, feel Oneness and innocence, feel receptive, oh, yes, please, by all means, enjoy. And enjoy what you enjoy. Enjoy with a full heart and all My blessing. I welcome you to joy. And I love your honesty.
Dearest Diane, did you feel that My answer overlooked your joy? Or that My answer stripped you of joy? I do not want you to feel misunderstood by Me. That is too much. I want you to feel loved by Me.
By all means, dance and sing, and let Me come to you in the process.
Perhaps I misunderstood, My dearest. Perhaps I misunderstood what you were saying. And if I did, will you forgive Me? If My answer belied your comment, then My answer is not personal to you. In that case, it is for someone else. Forgive Me if I did not understand as I forgive those who do not understand.
And if in some way your response to Me today is a misunderstanding of My answer, I thank you for your misunderstanding because you give Me a perfect opening to say more. My answer today and what I said yesterday, whatever they may be for you, are nevertheless correct and necessary for many of My beloved children. Would you agree? So please consider My answers for them and not for you.
If My answer holds merit for someone, then let it be. Take what is valuable for you and discard what is not. And in either case, know that My love for you is constant. My answers do not take anything away from you. I want you to have more.
Here is what I want to say to all My children: There is no secret to finding Me. There is no amulet. You do not learn how to find Me. There is not a way to Me. Although there are many ways to Me, the ways do not tell you how to find Me. They point you.
What I am going to say now is very delicate. I do wonder if attention on what feels good is a way to Me. Perhaps I am haggling over words. Feel good and joy, are they the same? I hesitate. That is not to say that music and movement are away from Me. That is not to say that feeling good cannot bring more awareness to the possibility of Me. This is delicate here.
Do We agree that the joy in you was there before the music and dance? Do We agree that the music and dance brought out the joy in you that already was? Perhaps We are saying the same thing, Diane, but I had felt that you perhaps thought that music and dance would reveal Me to others as it revealed Me to you. I thought perhaps you were giving too much credit to the dance and the singing. Perhaps that is what I misunderstood.
There are those who are swimmers. There are those who are ice-skaters. There are those who are mathematicians. There are those who are artists. What is joy for one is not for another.
Now, further, a true mathematician, feels good he has found an answer, but his joy is in the path of discovery and not the answer. We could say the answer is a symptom of his joy. The answer is not his joy.
The artist paints, and painting is his joy. The finished canvas is not quite the joy the process was, though he may feel very good with the result.
With every answer, with every completion, there are more questions. Questions are a quest. Questions lean to hear Me. Find the questions, My beloveds, more than the answers.
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Nancy L. to Heavenletters:
I just got back from vacation. Bev's letter to Oprah was great. How could Oprah possibly resist having Heavenletters and Heavenreaders on her show? A few more letters and she or her staff will be calling!
Bev to Diane:
Thank you, Diane for your question on August 11 that brought out more knowledge from God on the difference between searching for God and knowing God. This Heavenletter seems to be a big part of the core of God's message to us — intention and innocence. I love the sentence: "…perhaps you were looking in the distance, and I was too close for you to see".
Jaymie to Heavenletters:
Yesterday's was a great letter from God!