
Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Annette to God:

Dear God, I am having difficulty letting go of some old memories. I am also angry with myself for having naïvely invited something into my experience that, in retrospect, may have not been so good. I don't know why I assumed those involved were highly evolved just because they were able to give me a "flashy" esoteric experience. I was just curious. I was easily impressed at the time. Now I am wondering if they did some permanent damage to me.

I probably got what I deserved, but years later I look back and am horrified that I was so gullible and naïve and so trusting that I allowed myself to be under the influence of anyone I thought was smarter than myself.

My attention was certainly in the wrong place, and now I understand the expression: "Curiosity kills the cat."

I have not stopped worrying about it since, though not always consciously.

I have learned that not everything that feels good is okay. Any fool should know that. But I didn't. Or at least it wasn't that clear to me then.

I admit I am still curious to know what really happened. Who were they and what was their real purpose? Did they really damage me in any way, and, if so, can you fix me, God? Can you make me whole again?

That's the main thing. I want to forget these experiences forever, but first I need to know if it is safe to do so. Can I let this go now, God?

God to Annette:

First, let Us talk about curiosity. Curiosity is also called idle. Annette, even as Heavenreaders are reading your question, some with dismay and some with horror, their curiosity is also saying: How come I don't have experiences like that?

It is simply better to have your attention on Me rather than puzzles.

How surface is curiosity, and how deep am I.

And, dear Annette, even as you beg to be released from this experience, you are curious to know more about it. Let go of curiosity.

And certainly it is safe to let go of this experience.

I teach you to let go.

That is one of the things I am teaching you.

Let go of the past.

These episodes are of the past.

They have no hold on you except as you hold them.

You are not more nor less because of this episode, dear Annette. There is no such thing as permanent damage. There can never be permanent damage to any one of My children. Permanent goes beyond one brief lifetime on earth. You don't think this lifetime is forever, do you? In fact, there is no damage, temporary or what you call permanent.

You reveal wisdom, Annette. You say that you look back and are horrified that you were so gullible and naïve and so trusting that you allowed yourself to be under the influence of anything you thought smarter than yourself. Here's the point for all My children:

Look to yourself more than the outside. All those who seem wiser or more exciting or more knowledgeable are no more than you. Movie stars of the screen are no more than you. Kings and queens of the world are no more than you. Look to Me and your own energy. Do not assume that anyone or anything out there is more evolved than you are.

Rely on Me. Not books. Not what someone else says. And certainly not curiosity. Attend to love, not curiosity. Curiosity is diversion, fascination, detour. Curiosity is the Pied Piper.

More evidence of your wisdom is shown when you say because something feels good doesn't necessarily mean it's okay. Ego feels good when it's getting fattened. But ego will always get flattened. That's how the world is. All is fleeting in the world.

And the episodes you related above are fleeting, dear Annette. Let them go. This whole world is temporary. I am real. The world is not. Your body is not real. It is physical. The physical is not real. It is physical. It has a density that means nothing. You are made of light, and to light you return. You are made of light, and light you never left. How can you leave yourself or Myself?

As for your question, can I fix you, can I make you whole? Think of Me for a moment as a fat Buddha, and I am shaking with laughter. I am falling off the chair. Can I make you whole? Can I Who created the universe and all living things make you whole? Tears of laughter stream down My cheeks.

Can I make you whole? Can I fix you? Of course, I can. But there is nothing to be fixed, dear one. Nothing for Me to fix.

Is it safe for you to let go of these encounters? There is nothing that is not safe for you to let go of. There is nothing to let go of but your attention.

Let go, let go.

Letting go is always safer than holding on.

Freedom is always safer than chains.

Any experience on earth is imagined. And any experience on earth is a drop in the bucket compared to the realization of Me.

So, realize Me, and forget about the fleeting past. All past never was anyway. All past is an idea in your mind that doesn't belong there. All past is a picture show. Come to Me now.