See How Your Heart Grows

God said:

Would it really be so hard to bring the world to its knees? Would it be so hard for the world to denounce misery and announce love instead? What would it take to erase suffering from the face of the Earth?

Suffering in the world has been like a contract ordered by the Mafia. Yet because a hit was once ordered does not mean it must be followed, and followed over and over and again and again.

Those who would commit suffering upon another think they are winning something or returning suffering for suffering, and yet they revisit suffering upon themselves. Any glory felt or gained is short-lived. Man does not suffer alone. One who perpetuates suffering has given his allegiance to suffering. He thinks he inflicts it on someone else, yet he has inflicted it on himself, and he is unaware that he is free to drop it once and for all. For all.

I call for an end to suffering.

Love exists whether or not I say so. However, I said long ago that love is all. I continue to say that love and love alone exists. When did I ever say that man must be hard-hearted? When did I say that man must ignore others' hearts? On the contrary, I have said that the heart must be heard. I say it now, loud and clear: All hearts must be heard. And all hearts must be answered.

A man who is happy with himself would not squeeze suffering from any other. One who acts cruelly must be listening to a god of his own making. He has made up a god in his own mind. He believes in a god where might makes right, and that is the image he acts in. He who enacts cruelty must feel that cruelty enlarges him. He must believe in a god of separation. A man who persuades himself that he believes in a god of justice must also believe in a god of injustice itself. In his clouded view, one who is cruel believes in the necessity of perpetuating superiority and therefore inferiority.

When you believe in need, you will believe you need whatever you perceive as lacking. This is not a conscious procedure. It is simply that you must have whatever you believe you need. You will go to great lengths to fill your perceived need. From perceived lack come the troubles of the world.

Better to know all that you are and let go of need, most especially in any need that you be superior.

I say again that life is not all about you. It is not about what you gain. If life is about filling needs, then at least on every other occasion, will you kindly look to fill someone else's need? See what happens to your own heart. See how it grows. See how good it feels to have your heart grow rather than contract.

If you have a need, beloveds, you have a need for freedom, and so now you give freedom to others, for you must give whatever it is you feel you need, so you will see that you have enough of it to give. In the giving of it, you will see it. Unkindness begins in misperception.

A beautiful rose does not have to be the most beautiful of all. It does not have to be taller or rosier than the other roses in the garden. A rose is just happy to be. The flowers in a garden do not try to enhance themselves by stepping on other flowers. And no garden on one side of the street feels it has to be better than the garden across the street or across the ocean.

Be not like the queen in the story who had to keep looking in the mirror to make sure that she was the fairest of all. I see My children as One, and all are fair. And now I ask you to do the same.

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A promise from our Creator

Clearly, God does not want us to suffer. In this letter he says: “I call for an end to all suffering.”

If God doesn’t want us to suffer, where does it come from? He tells us: “From perceived lack come the troubles of the world.” We perceive lack and we perceive we have needs. It is also clear that we misperceive in perceiving this.

Learning to live life without perceiving that I have needs is tough. When I try this, I struggle. Reading “between the lines” of this letter, God also, apparently, doesn’t think we can instantly let go of our misperceptions. He gives us an easier way out: “If life is about filling needs, then at least on every other occasion, will you kindly look to fill someone else’s need?”

He promises a wonderful result. “See what happens to your own heart. See how it grows. See how good it feels to have your heart grow rather than contract.”

God wants only the best for us and he shows us how to obtain it. How can we not love such a wonderful Creator?…….Chuck

Chuck precise, like always.

Chuck precise, like always. I aree with you!

From perceived lack come the

From perceived lack come the troubles of the world.

Shall I try not to miss you too much, Nancy, sister? I will try. I will try to see us as the fullness God says we are.

Loving you,

When we put water on the

When we put water on the sauna, do we miss the water or enjoy the steam? As well we realise the water and steam are one


Beautiful! Perfect!

Beautiful! Perfect!

See how our Hearts grow as ONE

A Heaven full of Stars
Blue Sea as far as your Sight can soar
An Earth where Flowers grow
How can you wish for more...

We are all creating Realities together. Let`s create one that rises above the mind, as in
" Up above - Down BE LOVE"...

What ever I am doing to someone else - I am doing to me. When ever I, with an honest intention, do good to someone else - I do good to me - as in me-ism, or something like that smiling George Montana. When I do good to me - I do good to others as well. A good word for the winner of equally both ways - is Healing. Healing heals both the giver and the receiver. Opening up for the opportunity for both to feel the sensation of Being just a little bit more whole, and everything counts as healing - everything with the intention of Good. Voila - now that is a winning situation to create peace with.

We are all equals before God. We already have all the wisdom we need within. Open the door to your Heart, peep inside, take a good look at what IS - when Being. Let it blow you away in your amazement of the Revelation of Truth when open to it.

The rising, twinkling Stars of awareness - Hello to you

Love Hege :)

This is not perceived as

This is not perceived as geographical directions of the world as west, south,east and north. We all belong to various parts of the world, because there are no directions really, not in spirit world, only in the relative world. Living is easier in the spirit world, because there are no complications to smiling. There are no boundaries, no misconceptions. There is nothing to misconceive. As spirits we are traveling everywhere. There are no borders nor boundaries. I have no borders nor any boundaries. Past is past. New is new.

Twinkle, twinkle little Star I don't wonder any more

You make me feel like Little Bow Peep. I took a peek and saw you smiling

George grinning

Anyway who ever Bow Peep is,

Anyway who ever Bow Peep is, he is fine as he is. Take a bow next time you see the Truth of you in the mirror. And I mean a deep bow in gratitude to a wonderful Human Being.

Hege :)

I call for an end to suffering.

Be perfect. How? Well, some formula, if necessary to you, was given.
Be perfect. How? In love, what else?
The difference is in the perception.
How can The Perfect perceives any else?
In the perfection doesn't exist need, what need do you have in perfetion?
In the perfection doesn't exist suffering.
I could say if you belive, really belive, you are perfect in love right now, you will come perfect very soon.

What's that you say?

To be hard of hearing and hard of heart is to be sleeping through the best part of the Day.

My first look in the mirror and I saw Elmer Fudd, or a Cabbage Patch person. My eyes underwent divine surgery and my heart was able to see Mr. LOVE shining back at me. It even winked in a way that made me know I was catching on. Wow, what a letter!

George laughing at his costume


Wow YES laughing Mr. LOVE. How wonderful that you could finally see him. I have seen her as well.

Love Hege smiling...

You make my heart sing a song of love

Isn't it wonderful to feel love's song in a love filled person's words? Your words, Hege, made me feel your smile.

George blushing a bit

2 Heavenletter Haikus for

2 Heavenletter Haikus for you

Hello Friends,

God said love instead
See what happens to your heart
See how good it feels

God said give your need
You will see you have enough
You have it to give

Love, Light and Aloha!


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