love alone exists
See How Your Heart Grows
Would it really be so hard to bring the world to its knees? Would it be so hard for the world to denounce misery and announce love instead? What would it take to erase suffering from the face of the Earth?
Suffering in the world has been like a contract ordered by the Mafia. Yet because a hit was once ordered does not mean it must be followed, and followed over and over and again and again.
Lettere d'amore da Dio
What do I hear that is even more beautiful than Heavenletters in the language of Italy, you ask?
A True Story
Be open-hearted. Wave your heart around the universe so that the universe may absorb love. Love flows through your heart, in and out. Your heart is awash in love, love awash in itself. Like white on white, love is embedded in love, many-layered love, tilted at many angles, indistinguishable love, infinite love, tremendous love knowing nothing but its blazing self.