Seating in the Kingdom of God
You are not on Earth to perfect someone else. Others are not here for you to analyze nor to draw conclusions about. You were not sent to Earth to be a professional assessor of anyone on Earth. Nor a psychiatrist, nor a soothsayer. You have come to Earth to learn. In so doing, in humbleness alone, you will be a Teacher of God.
You are not a turtle to make snap judgments.
You are a simple Human Being on Earth. You are also My Divinity, but Divinity assumes no airs.
You are not to presume a knowingness you do not have.
Have your thoughts, beloveds, if you must, but some thoughts are best kept to yourself.
Ego sets itself above others. But you are not to indulge ego. Ego flatters you, but you are not to flatter it. It sits not on a throne. If ego has perched itself on your shoulder whispering its sanctity to you, knock it off your shoulder and stomp on it like a cigarette butt.
Ego is a snake. It is a bright-shining snake in the grass. It whispers sweet nothing’s into your ear and bites your foot. It tells you that you know more than the person before you. Ego would squelch the person who sits before you, and prop you up, but ego is a liar and a scoundrel and you would do well not to honor him with your listening.
Ego is a good promiser but a poor deliverer. Everything about ego is illusion. He may put you up on the stage, but he won’t keep you there. Whatever ego gives, ego takes away. He is a magician of the highest order, but a magician is only a magician. He does tricks, that’s all.
What everyone wants is a miracle, and you will have miracles. Do not settle for false advertising. Do not let ego pump you up. You don’t need it, and you don’t need the inevitable deflating.
While ego is a scavenger of dumpsters, he tricks you into believing he is presenting a grand feast before you. You have your mouth wide open, and he scurries away.
Ego would have you believe that you are holier than someone else or everyone else. How well ego knows you. He presses you like a key on the piano. But sooner or later he will waltz off and leave you poised and unplayed, wondering what happened, where did your life go and what had you gotten for your money.
Don’t waste yourself on ego. Ego can only be a waste. Ego can only set you up and let you take the fall.
Better to be humble in the first place. Don’t get up on your high horse, and you will never have to get down.
Better to know your place in the universe. You occupy a high place, and so does everyone else. All seating in the kingdom of God is equal. No preferred seating. And yet everyone sits up front.
Nor am I on a throne. All that is metaphor, lovely metaphor, perhaps necessary. The truth is, if I am seated on a throne, so are you, and so is everyone else. And this is a throne from which no one can topple. No one can be thrown off. The inconsistencies of relative life don’t count for anything. There is no hierarchy here, so don’t even try.
Ego is a sneak thief in the night, and a sneak thief in bright sunlight. It is time you became wise to ego. It is a wonder that you haven’t made short shrift of him already.
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