Scrambled text in email Heavenletters
I printed the Dutch Heavenletter (# 2639) that I received and noticed something funny. Sometimes in Dutch we use the French "accent aigu" to emphasize a word, for instance, the Dutch word "een" means "a" and also "one", but we do not pronounce it the way it's written and when we want to emphasize that it is really only "one", we put the French accent aigu on the "e". So when we write "één", we mean one. In the email version, however, "één" becomes "één" and "Elyseïsche" becomes "Elyseïsche".
Since in French there are many, many words with the accent aigu, I wonder whether the email version in French will still be readable.
At first I thought that it might be because of the fact that the server is in Argentina where Spanish is spoken, but I happen to speak Spanish too and also in Spanish sometimes the accent aigu is used.
Conclusion: another job for HeavenAdm.
Luus, thank you for
Luus, thank you for reporting this. It should be fixed now. I sent a preview email of HEAVEN #2639 De Drempel van Heaven to your account. Please confirm that it appears correctly now.
One Love