Sailing on the Ocean of God
Your awareness of Me will become automatic. Pretty much the same way as when you raise your arm or look somewhere. There is no strain. It is perfectly natural. Awareness of Me will be like being in a room of golden light. You don’t always think about the walls of the room you are in, yet you are aware. You may prefer Me as white light. That is fine too. All is allowable, for here there are no boundaries. Therefore, there are no walls.
You are ensconced in My love which makes you very free. When you are an angel flying in the sky, the sky is no boundary. It is the venue you fly through. And so on Earth or wherever you may be, I am your Venue. I am the Medium of your art, for you are to be an artist in life. Your life is a painting. Let it be effortless, beloveds.
You know the feeling of sailing in a light boat on the water. Your automatic awareness of Me is like that. You are lulled by it. You know your enjoyment every moment, and yet you are not thinking: “Oh, I am sailing on the water.” It is natural for you to be in a boat on the water.
Just as you do not think: “Look at all the air I breathe.” You simply breathe. And so is it when you are fully sailing on My Existence. You are locked in, We could say, which means you are free to go in any direction or dimension because it is God’s love you are breathing, or sailing on, or swimming in, or frolicking in.
You could also say I am a the big whale on whose back you ride.
You could say I am the course of your day that you fly through.
You could say I am the ground you walk on.
You could say I am the bird you hear singing.
You could say that I am God.
You could say nothing at all and simply yodel Our love through the Vastness of Eternity.
You could say I carry you with Me, or that you carry Me with you.
You could say that We are One.
You could say you are deeply permanently connected to each Being on Earth, that you are their counterpart, and they are yours, so indelibly One that all you know is the Vastness of Immortality. The song you sing belongs in all the hearts of man, whose heart abides in yours.
You might say that One Heart splintered off in fragments, and that these fragments are trying to get back to the Wholeness they splintered off from.
I would say that is illusion, beloveds. I would say that you have been swamped in illusion. A very popular illusion, of course, but illusion nevertheless. “Can the whole world be wrong?” you ask. “Well, certainly, “ I answer, “it can be all wrong, and yet, when you see behind the density, you will see that it is also all right.”
When you see the stream of life going in a direction that you don’t wish to follow, then you swim in another direction. Swim in My direction, and pretty soon all the fish in the sea will be swimming after you.
Follow Me, beloveds, and know I am following you in this Giant Circle We call love. Actually, it is not a circle because it is full Oneness, and accompanies no space that could be called a circle or a square or anything at all but Vastness. There are no edges to Vastness. Vastness is all Openness. Vastness is Eternal Joy, and one day you will notice that is what you swim in so nicely, so lightly, so effortlessly, bouncing delightfully on the Ocean of God.
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