Reach the Shore of Yourself
Whither goest thou when you stay with Me? Where do you go but to the Center of Creation? There is no other place for you to be. You think you are here or there. Certainly, your body exists in one spot at a time on Earth, and your attention as well, yet you are the Heart of the Matter. You exist nowhere but in My heart, and My heart is the Center of Creation. I am from where all knowledge comes. I am the Source of your knowledge, and I am also the Goal that you seek. You seek that which you have. You seek that which you are. It is your own Presence you seek. Only for a moment in your thinking have you been absent from it, this illustrious Being which is your Self.
You have been in a quandary, beloveds, only because you believe you exist somewhere far flung in the world when, in Reality, there is no place to be but within My heart, the Heart of Hearts, the same one that beats in your chest.
This Oneness is not complicated. Oneness has to be simple. Only you think Oneness is complex. You would analyze the unanalyzable. You would create mystery where there is simplicity. It is too easy to absorb and overlook the Oneness that you are. It is right here, and you look out there, way out there, where you think the Vastness of Oneness ought to be. You overlook the Oneness that is already yours. You look far afield when you only have to stop a moment and let the Presence of Oneness, MySelf, arise within you. I am beyond your reckoning but not beyond your recognition. You can see but not describe. You can see, and yet I am not a Vision. You can feel Me, hear Me, touch Me, and yet you feel I am beyond your reach, when, beloveds, I am entirely the reach of you. You are the Seeker of Me. You are the Beholder of Me. And you are that Infinite which you seek.
You run around in circles chasing that which you already are. You seek the Adventure that lies within you. This is the heart of all your seeking, all you wanting, and all your wondering. And yet you are afraid to discover. You are afraid you do not merit. You fear you will go up in smoke if you touch even the tip of My hem. You fear the discovery which you seek. You might rather seek than discover. You like to cross the bounding main and not have to reach the shore of your Self.
Let’s face it. You enjoy being in the middle of the Ocean without your bearings. You would rather search for your bearings than to know them. You don’t remember that there is more and more.
You think more and more belongs only to the world of shopping or some such when, all the while, there is discovery after discovery in the realms of God, and, therefore, within the realms of you.
Don’t think you have to understand what I am saying to you. What We are talking about is not in the realm of understanding. It is in the realm of recognizing.
Deep within the cells of your Being lies the wealth of My words. You do not have to understand My words, for now you possess them. You do not have to remember My words, for now they stir within you. You don’t have to anything because now you have all the seeds planted within you. They will grow with or without your attention. Your awareness will blossom, and there is nothing you can do to stop it. You are going along for the ride, and there is nothing you can do about it. You can’t even hang on, beloveds. You have to let go.
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