Run, Joy, Run!

God said:

What matters to you in your life is significant. Listen to it. What is important to you? Have you considered what you been racing towards? Does what is important to you match up with the life you enmesh yourself in? Be aware. You are not an automaton who has no choice about what matters to him. What have you been chasing, and how much does it matter to you?

What do you plant, and what do you reap? What do you seek, and what do you find? Where have you been, and where are you going? Do not think overly; just take a look.

What hours of the day have you set aside for what matters to you, or does what your heart aches for take a back seat to all that pushes itself into the fore? Do you move your life or just handle what comes in?

You are not at the mercy of the winds of time and the looks of the world.

You have freedom of thought and heart. You may say you want freedom, but you may fear it, for it carries great responsibility. You could be blamed for something. Worse yet, you could blame yourself for something.

In order to be free in heart and mind, it is necessary to let go of the concept of blame. Blame and responsibility have too long been intertwined. Consider that you are responsible to be free.

Blame is an ego thing that says you should have chosen something other than what you did. Blame wastes your time. Blame is just another cast of fear. Blame comes when fear has claimed itself true.

Are you, or anyone, to blame for being alive and living life?

You have all done stupid things. But the stupid things are not your banners to wave. They are to moved on from.

A moment ago you may have stepped in the mud. You realized it soon enough, and with the realization, you stepped out. No need to think all the live-long day about the mud you stepped into. Where are you walking now?

Erase the concept blame from the face of the earth. Blame is clearly living in the past. You have blamed yourself for a lot of things. Blame is a shade different from holding yourself responsible. Blame indicates shame, and it lingers. Responsibility is quick and moves on.

Consider that you have a responsibility to inculcate joy in the world. Be a joy-maker. Whether the world accepts — that's their responsibility. A joy-maker is not a horn-blower. Quietly as you move through life, deposit joy. Be joy that meanders through the world. What a different posture joy has than blame! What different colors it is made of!

One of your freedoms in life is to choose joy. It may seem hard to choose, as if you have no choice. It may seem that less than joy is often foisted on you, but that comes from believing that you are at the whim of what occurs. You are more important than what occurs in your life. Are you not the maker of your thoughts?

If your responsibility is to give joy, then you are wondering how to do it and where to start. First, look for joy. Find it in your heart instead of all the other things you have been storing there. Notice the joy more than something else. There is nothing more you have to do than that. You will vibrate the joy that comes from your heart just as well as you have been vibrating all the other things. There is nothing for you to learn or to practice once you have noticed joy. It will run rampant, and you will see it on all sides of you, for it will radiate itself.

Read Comments

Love and Joy

"...If your responsibility is to give joy, then you are wondering how to do it and where to start. First, look for joy. Find it in your heart instead of all the other things you have been storing there. Notice the joy more than something else. There is nothing more you have to do than that. You will vibrate the joy that comes from your heart just as well as you have been vibrating all the other things. There is nothing for you to learn or to practice once you have noticed joy. It will run rampant, and you will see it on all sides of you, for it will radiate itself...."

It is impossible to exerience love without experiencing joy... because they are related to one another. Maybe they are kissing cousins! Loving you joyfully...Jim.

Jim...Woo, Spooky!!


I was cooking dinner and hangin' with God and typing my comments about responsibility and joy to the "Illumination" Heavenletter.

I posted it...saw you had posted, too. I "checked in" to see what new beautiful things you had written.


Maybe here at Heavenletters we're getting to be a United Illumed Nation!! (I couldn't resist...LOL!!)



Hi Bonnie...Ilumination=light-filled nation. It must be! Love, Jim.

It's amazing that what ever

It's amazing that what ever Heavenletter I read, God whispers the rigth words into my heart. Well He does know His job, of course !!

This Heavenletter is so pertinent. Blame is like glue really, wether we stick it on ourselves or wether it is sticked to us by others, it's gluey, it get's us down, unless we can reach within or out and dissolve the glue with God's love and joy.

Much love to you dear Jim and to sweet Bonnie.


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