Replace Judgment with Blessings

Sutra Number: 
Heaven Sutra Date: 

Gloria to God:

Good morning, dear God. Clocks were set ahead last night, so it's 4:20 a.m. instead of 3:20.


That's how much sense the relative makes. 3:20 or 4:20 marks a point on infinity — when infinity has no points!

A Course in Miracles, Lesson 347:

"Anger must come from judgment. Judgment is the weapon I would use against myself to keep the miracle away from me."


Judgment is a barrier erected. Judgement is a decision to push away, or pull towards. Arbitrary. It says to whom he judges, "Stay away from me. I am mightier, wiser, better than you. We are separate in any case."

Judgement is a swine. It takes one side, then another. It is hateful to all sides. It plays tricks. It sets brother against brother, and licks its chops. Judgement claims victory when there is no contest.

Judgement is a dueler who will take on anyone. Judgment is an errant lover. Judgement says something is set, and then overturns his verdict.

You can like or not like, prefer or not prefer. You can embrace or not embrace but can count yourself superior to none, inferior to none, and, in truth, equal to all.

Better to bless than judge. What do you want — blessing or judgment? What you want, give.


Dear Father, I read something in a book that said that the Lord's Prayer balances all chakras. Certain lines vibrate the seventh chakra — like "Our Father Who art in Heaven" — and some the first — like "Give us our daily bread". The author seemed to feel that the success of 12-step programs comes from the recital of the Lord's Prayer.

Things were better in public schools when the Lord's Prayer was read or said every morning.


Thoughts of Me settle the dust. A thought of Me at the beginning of any day is good. Thought of Me at the beginning of anything is good. Then I precede you. Then I open the door for you. Then I hold the brambles back. Then I remove pebbles before your feet. Then I lay a golden carpet before your feet.

A thought of Me at any time is good. It is better than a thought of woe. A thought of Me can certainly do no harm!


I think about a mezzuzah at the door — It is not the mezzuzah that performs but the fact the person entering the room takes a second to think of You.


Yes. And that's why it's so good that you wear a G for Me. Or if you were in France, a D for Me. It is not the letter but the thought of Me, G for Gloria!


So, dear Father, is it You that makes the life better, or is it the thought of You that does?


I do not know the difference.


Dear Mother Divine, so a thought of you is a thought of God on a softer level?

Mother Divine:

A thought of me is a thought of God. And who has the thought? Whose thought is it? Yours or God's?


Is it the same to think Higher Power as to think God?

Mother Divine:

When you think of God, you think at a higher vibration. Colors have even been assigned to thoughts. Thoughts of God have been said to be violet. Colors have their vibrations. It is the thought over the word that vibrates, though the word itself has its vibratory rate also.


So, an unvoiced mantra has greater power?

Mother Divine:

Silence always has more power.


Dear God, Karen suggested that I ask You whether it will be good for me to have a web page.


Why not?


Make tapes?




Send out mailings as Glenda Green has?


Get the book going as a book, and then you will promote it.


And from a web page, people will ask You questions through me?




And I charge?


Fifty dollars. You must charge.


This extends my territory of influence.


You will begin to reach more of My children.


You want me to.


Yes! I want you to run with this! It is easier than you think. It is so easy to do for Me. What wouldn't be your happiness to do for your Heavenly Father? You would polish My shoes if I had them. What I do have is people for you to reach for Me. I have words for you to sell. It is really My love that you will promote through My words. It is I you promote, I in everyone.

Consider that you have passed your winter, and now you bloom with all the flowers. You have prepared, stored, and now you are ready to show your finery. I am your finery, G.


Gloria to God:

Dear God, thank You for what turned out to be a lovely birthday. Lovely messages from people. James in Boston sang the puja to me over the phone. Sweet, sweet. He also called in angels, You, Krishna, Lakshmi, Shiva, Durga, Ganesh…

He inspired me to do a puja. I picked magnolia blossoms (lotuses of the air) and got everything ready to do a puja except I didn't have any white rice, so I will do one tomorrow.

My question is: Who are all these, Krishna, Shiva etc.?


They are exquisite vibrations of Me. From this side, this side, this side, certain flavors of Me. You could think of them as My hand or My face, My heart, My mind. At the same time, they are the All of Me. I have many names.

Enliven with the puja; it's good. Don't be afraid that anything parts you from Me.

And you will remember that all these aspects of Me are also within you. As you vibrate them outside you, you vibrate them inside you as well.


The puja is to a spiritual master, and all of a sudden I wonder if that's right.


The puja is to Me. It is to the holiness of Me contained within the master. You do not do a puja to an ego. It is sung for Me.


Dear Mother Divine, now I wonder who you are! Are you Lakshmi and Durga and so on?

Mother Divine:

They are all aspects of me as they are of God. You can call me Mother or Mary or Mother God or what you will, and I know whom you call. If you like, you can consider me as someone with many middle names, but I still am I as I answer to any one of my names.