A Vaster Vision
Gloria to God:
Dear Almighty Father, I wake up, and the world is still here!
And I also.
Definitely You also. Two things on my mind. I saw Les Miserables starring Liam Neeson last night. The Bishop was You in action. It was beautiful. Jean Valjean stole the Bishop's silver. Instead of accusing Jean Valjean and having him arrested, the Bishop protected Jean Valjean. When the police discovered Jean Valjean with the silver, the Bishop told the police he had given Jean Valjean the silver. Like You, the Bishop didn't take offense. He saw from such a bigger perspective, and, therefore, was so giving and kind. The Bishop's goodness and generosity changed Jean Valjean's life. And then who knows how many other lives the Bishop changed through the good Jean Valjean did after.
The second thing on my mind is related.
The standard rule would be to never tell a lie. The Bishop lied. He said he had given the silver to Jean Valjean. Of course, he made the lie come true by giving him the silverware he had taken and also stuffing additional candlesticks into Jean's bag. It has to be that the Bishop's lie was right action.
Now, getting back to Karla who is becoming a non-convent nun in a Benedictine order. Her understanding is different from mine. Her perspective is from that of the church, the Bible, from this statement or that, who said what. She stated again: "You judge by the fruit of their action." But our perception is infinitesimal. We can't judge. You, on the other hand, are beyond perception. You KNOW.
Certainly the Bishop's lie bore heavenly fruit. But it is not always so clear to the world — and me — what is good and right and what is not. But to Karla, it seems to be clear. She seems certain that certain things can never be right. But how do we know that a particular certified wrong action is wrong for a particular individual in a particular circumstance?
Christ in A Course in Miracles says something like: "What you have counted as your greatest successes may have been your greatest failures. And what you have counted as your greatest failures may have been your greatest successes."
There are many paths to You, dear Father.
And you be concerned with yours and leave your friend to hers.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 348:
"I have no cause for anger or for fear, for You surround me. And in every need that I perceive, Your grace suffices me. Father, let me remember You are here, and I am not alone. Surrounding me is everlasting love."
Surrounding you and within you.
Dear Mother Divine, what will you tell me today?
Mother Divine:
Easy does it. The world moves without your effort. Put your attention on easiness of each day and organizing HEAVEN for God. Write the story of how HEAVEN started. Create a Web page.
All these are easy things for you to do. Like tying a ribbon is all.
What do you think will be on a Web Page, and what is its purpose?
I need to find out, for one thing, how much space I can have for a Web Page free at this time. I think the purpose of the Web Page will be to introduce HEAVEN, to have selections, invite people to send me their email address if they want to receive daily Godwritings and/or ask of God or you their personal questions. The integral purpose is to bring them to think of God, His wisdom, and love, and to therefore align their thinking with His. God in Cyberspace, Mother Divine!
Mother Divine:
Yes, God in Cyberspace.
I wonder, even if the Web page of HEAVEN is not read, that it still sends out something good.
Mother Divine:
Thoughts send out their vibrations. Everything has an effect. Everything. Cleaning house has an effect. Planting a garden has an effect. Moving your hand has an effect. All gestures have an effect. Lean into the wind, Gloria. Yes, a Web page. Yes, a mass mailing of HEAVEN. Yes, personal love letters from God for those who request it. Multiply your service to God.
Mother Divine, in terms of someone having serious health concerns, or maybe anything, I would recommend that they call Karen. I'm not putting myself down here. I get Karen's help. How can I not recommend her.
Mother Divine:
Put Karen on your Web page. Talk to her about it.
Gloria to God:
Dear God, when I woke up this morning, I had no idea that I would be meditating in a group for peace in Yugoslavia. The more people meditating for peace, the greater the coherence in the world. Even at this distance, it can smooth the troubles in Yugoslavia.
I have heard that it is better to prevent a fire rather than to try to put it out.
Dear Mother Divine, what will you say?
Mother Divine:
Good energy you have from the group meditation.
And now I'm sleepy!
Mother Divine:
And now I'll say good night.