God Has No Doubt
Gloria to God:
Dear Father in Heaven, I feel some changes brewing in me. I feel something different. I wonder if it is from the attention of a great spiritual master.
It is. A great master is a powerful orchestra leader. He turns in your direction, and you play.
All of a sudden, dear God, I am doubting what I'm doing. I got four rejections yesterday from literary agents. I wasn't devastated. In fact, I even forgot about it until now. I will send more query letters out, but I do seem to have this huge drop in my heart.
It is called doubt. You need a pep talk. You need to be reminded that God has no doubts. You, Gloria, merely follow orders. Consider it that you are putting a dictionary together. Your employer tells you to do these words now and those tomorrow. And you do what your employer says. You don't start thinking who wants these words anyway. Your employer knows there is a market, the words are wanted, and you are doing a good job. He tells you to send out inquiries, and the responses are not your concern. You keep doing what you are paid to do. You take care of the steps, not the outcome.
You do not concern yourself with such things as: How is the employer going to get this or that published or by whom or when. You do what you are paid to do, and are satisfied with that.
You may wonder exactly how you are being paid. I will tell you. You are being paid in advance and accrue interest on your advance. You are being paid with My love that becomes yours, My knowledge that becomes yours, My attention that becomes yours, and My direction that becomes yours.
You are a skater who loves the ice. You are paid with the joy of skating. You find that when you are off the ice, it is as though you are still skating.
My gifts to you are vast.
Thank You. I am happy and grateful to do what You ask.
I have another confession. A friend of mine has invested his money recently and is getting such a good return that he will be able to retire by the end of the summer. He is still young. God, I wouldn't trade what I have for money, but I wouldn't mind a generous half and half!
Don't settle for half. You will have all. I know money is a buzz. I'm happy for your friend, and I'm happy for you.
Well, dear God, I feel like I've been tempted. But, in truth, I have no choice anyway.
I keep thinking of that wonderful bishop in Les Miserables who, in his love and wisom, gave away his silverware, and what his generous act did for the world.
That is the simplicity of love.
I promise not to bring up money again. I feel crass discussing it with You.
A Course in Miracles, Lesson 349:
"Today I let Christ's vision look upon all things for me and judge them not, but give each one miracle of love instead."
God, that is what the Bishop did.
And that is what Christ did. He did not do things as the world does. He did them as I do.
Dear Mother Divine, what words do you have for me this morning?
Mother Divine:
Words of love.
Some people are tall, some are short. Some have blond hair, and some black. Some have blue eyes, and some brown.
Some people are carpenters, and some are tailors. And some are singers, and some are sweepers. And some are one now and then another.
Some target money, and some target God. I speak of an emphasis. Be wealthy in God. Emphasize giving.
Gloria to God:
Dear God, I was meditating again today with a group, and I definitely do feel enlivened, much more perky energy than usual.
I was talking to a dear friend who wondered why some spiritual teachers do not mention feeding the poor etc. My friend thought he wasn't seeing love for the poor from the spiritual teachers.
The love of some great masters is directed to the peace of the world. Their attention is on preventing conflagration and creating world harmony, and they know how to do it. They do My work from their powerful consciousness, and they muster the consciousness of others. They always look at the big picture, far beyond the surface. That is why it is hard for nations to grasp their offer of peace.
However good it is to feed the hungry, full bellies in the midst of battle do not create peace.
By all means, have your friend feed the poor and help the needy in whatever way he wishes, but others have to help also according to their vision.
Dear Mother Divine, a year or so ago I mentioned to someone here in town that God's words were coming to me. This person looked at me like I was a sick cow. Later someone told me this person had said, "Anyone who thinks they hear God goes insane and has to be hospitalized." I think she would get that idea because years ago, if someone said God spoke to them, they were institutionalized!
Well, guess who stopped me to tell me about Glenda Green's coming to town, and guess who is going to the airport to pick her up? The same person, of course. Maybe it's okay to tune in to Christ, but not God!
Mother Divine:
Gloria, a rubber band has to go far away before it can bounce back. Anyone so vehement wants what he protests. The literary agent who trounced HEAVEN would very much like there to be a God and to know Him. Now you be glad that your friend welcomes a messenger of Christ. Never mind the irony. Never mind that she cannot acknowledge you.
She probably doesn't even remember.
Mother Divine:
But you waste your time remembering? Let it go.
Some day, it will be seen as odd when someone does not communicate with their Almighty Father. Switching is the way of the world.